Thursday, August 30, 2012

Worlds Top Google SEO Marketing Firms by Adwords Consultants San Francisco

It constantly catches me off guard - by Google Adwords Consultants London San Francisco
Seems like just about every day, I get a call from a company CEO who has already decided what to name their new product or service telling us they want to find distribution partners and marketing alliance members to penetrate the market. I'm sorry, you already shot yourself in the foot.
An industrial signage company recently told us that their new division needed supply chain and marketing partners. We were happy to consider taking their account until they told us what they named their new company, "Display Tech." Our jaws dropped. Nobody who Google's their name was ever going to find them. After all, everything from LCD Flat Screen TVs to Apple's Retina Display is called Display Tech. They buried the baby before it was even born.
How to Plan Ahead
It turns out that many of the brightest CEOs and business owners do the same thing at every level. Even if you're going to name a new product, no, even if you're going to build a new website, you should pick keywords that have
a) high visibility
b) low competition
c) low character count
d) high memorability
But, since you're not really going to be able to gauge the terms on your white board against these 4 criteria, I recommend that before you even start sketching a logo for your next site or product, contact the people who know. To make it easy for you, here are the
World's Top 100 Google SEO Marketing Firms
PS. Dear SEO Firms, if you want to add more detailed data to this page, you'll get more response.


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