Friday, August 31, 2012

iPhone App or Android App Appraisal: How to Appraise and Sell Out

So, if you've spent your life savings on an iPhone App or building an Android App and you've got 12 users, well, you're in great company. The vast majority of app owners spent upwards of (and i really don't even know what that means) $40,000 to build their app.

Ironically, the most successful apps in both the Android Market and the iPhone Apple Appstore had $35,000 budgeted JUST for the marketing. That's in addition to what they had planned to spend on the actual development and build out of their app. And most of them had just as much budgeted for V2.0.

So now, if you've spent $4,000 on marketing and find you're not going anywhere as far as user acquisition and growth, this is what you need to know to appraise your app and sell out: iPhone App and Android App Appraisal and Selling. You'd be surprised how much your actually programming code is worth.

How to Sell Your Blog -- Finding a Buyer, Blog Appraisal

So you're tired of blogging.

OK. Maybe you're not. Maybe you just want some money because you're going into the bush in northern Australia for a year. Regardless, you're going to need to know how to appraise your blog and what people actually pay for when they buy your blog. This Youtube will explain that what people and companies actually pay for are not your page views or your traffic or your blog page count. What they pay for can make you $20,000 for selling your blog is you know this: How to Appraise and Sell Your Blog

Obama VS Romney -- Biggest Campaign Donors

So who can tell me who's on the side of small businesses? You see any patterns here that might indicate whether you'd rather have major corporations or banks back you up?

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Worlds Top Google SEO Marketing Firms by Adwords Consultants San Francisco

It constantly catches me off guard - by Google Adwords Consultants London San Francisco
Seems like just about every day, I get a call from a company CEO who has already decided what to name their new product or service telling us they want to find distribution partners and marketing alliance members to penetrate the market. I'm sorry, you already shot yourself in the foot.
An industrial signage company recently told us that their new division needed supply chain and marketing partners. We were happy to consider taking their account until they told us what they named their new company, "Display Tech." Our jaws dropped. Nobody who Google's their name was ever going to find them. After all, everything from LCD Flat Screen TVs to Apple's Retina Display is called Display Tech. They buried the baby before it was even born.
How to Plan Ahead
It turns out that many of the brightest CEOs and business owners do the same thing at every level. Even if you're going to name a new product, no, even if you're going to build a new website, you should pick keywords that have
a) high visibility
b) low competition
c) low character count
d) high memorability
But, since you're not really going to be able to gauge the terms on your white board against these 4 criteria, I recommend that before you even start sketching a logo for your next site or product, contact the people who know. To make it easy for you, here are the
World's Top 100 Google SEO Marketing Firms
PS. Dear SEO Firms, if you want to add more detailed data to this page, you'll get more response.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to Clear Out 70% of Your Spam


I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. To automatically erase most of the spam in your inbox, simply create a gmail filter for the word:


Then for all the newsletters you DO want, just make a filter that looks like:

twitter OR facebook OR huffingtonpost > Label News.


For more of these productivity and marketing epiphanies, join me:

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mommy Bloggers: Worlds Most Powerful Social Media Influencers to Treat and Pamper


I'm going to introduce you to the most powerful people on earth. No. It's not the Illuminati. It's not the Knights Templar. It's Mommy Bloggers.

They control the world.

Mommy bloggers not only control the 97% of the purchasing power in any given household, they talk, they network, they ally, they are influencing every social media outlet from Facebook to Twitter to Pinterest to Quora and most importantly, they are influencing their children. 

In 5 years, an 11 year old can get a work permit and spend as they wish.

Companies like Samsung are sponsoring high achievers from Jr High School to walking them through to law school. And again, Moms are the people who have their finger on the green and red buttons. 


If you're opening a new boutique hotel and spa, announce a contest where 1 in 20 mommy bloggers who write about you will win an all expenses paid weekend getaway.

If you're have a cosmetics line, just give away $100 worth of products to mommy bloggers and give each blogger a coupon code to give their readers.

If you're a major automobile manufacturer, announce a contest where you give 1 in 500 moms a 1 year lease of your E-Class. That year will cost you as the manufacturer $2000 but you'll earn 500 blog posts. That's $4 per blog post. Hell. Improve the odds and make it 1:100. You'll still be under what Demand Media is paying per blog: $25 per post.


If your company does anything from making apparel to medicine to furniture to automobiles, before you go out and hire an expensive ad agency to run focus groups that tell you only what's observable when observing (kind of like the atomic shot that can be a particle or a wave), contact the most influential people on earth first. Get their perspective. 

And when you do, come bearing gifts. After all, it's rude to show up to your neighbor's doorstep unannounced -- empty handed.

Introducing the Global Top 100 Mommy Bloggers to Treat and Pamper of 2012

TheBloggess TheBloggess
direct contact
I have friends in spite of myself.
Asha Dornfest Asha Dornfest
direct contact
Forehead-smackingly smart tips that help you simplify family life, save money, and have fun. About Asha:
Heather B. Armstrong Heather B. Armstrong
direct contact
Mommyblogger, tyrant, snugglebunny
Theresa Seid Theresa Seid
direct contact
Founder of Rock On Mommies. Freelance Marketing Consultant and Social Media Manager. Mommy to the amazing Ellie and Baby Boy Zach.
Busy Mom Busy Mom
direct contact
Mommy Blogger extraordinaire. Am too.
Nadia Carriere Nadia Carriere
direct contact
Mom to three, Founder & Editor of Child Mode™, an extensive online fashion, lifestyle & family travel site. Follow me as well @nadiacarriere.
Sommer Poquette Sommer Poquette
direct contact
Social media consultant & strategist working on blogger relations for @shakleehq learn more about all I do here:
Megan Calhoun Megan Calhoun
direct contact
SocialMoms is a community of influential moms who are active in social media. Join us at!
Ree Drummond Ree Drummond
direct contact
I'm The Pioneer Woman. Desperate Ranchwife. Mother of Four. Lover of Butter. Amen.
Jennae Petersen Jennae Petersen
direct contact
A mommy, blogger, graphic designer & decorator from the Caribbean. An eco diva trying to change the world through design. My work:
oh amanda oh amanda
direct contact
mommy. blogger. also tweeting crafty parenting stuff @impressyourkids
Melissa Summers Melissa Summers
direct contact
I'm a Mommy Blogger at Suburban Bliss. I'm Community Manager at a Detroit Digital Agency. I'm quite smitten with Social Media. What I write here is all mine.
Ilana Wiles Ilana Wiles
direct contact
Creative Director, mommy blogger and boggle enthusiast (I wish I was kidding about that last one)
soleil moon frye soleil moon frye
direct contact
I'm that messy mom living in Happy Chaos.
BabyCenter BabyCenter
direct contact
Two BabyCenter Moms (Dina & Jen) helping you through your journey of parenthood!
Alison Wright Alison Wright
direct contact
New York Mommy Blogger at Humor, Coffee and Life is where it's at!
The Motherlode The Motherlode
direct contact
The Motherlode, The New York Times's parenting blog, exploring the many ways we raise our kids now with @KJDellAntonia
Caitlin Boyle Caitlin Boyle
direct contact
Healthy living mommy blogger, motivational speaker at, author of, triathlete, GOTR coach.
Heather Bailey Heather Bailey
direct contact
Fabric & Lifestyle Designer, Inventor of Trash Ties, Mommy, Blogger, Goofy Dancer, Maker of Things, and so on.
Amy Lupold Bair Amy Lupold Bair
direct contact
Mom, Social Media Marketer, Global Influence founder, Twitter Parties creator
Tsh Oxenreider Tsh Oxenreider
direct contact
I have 3 kids, travel worldwide, wrote 2 books, and am writing #3, so in my spare time, I run 5 blogs and write another. I also enjoy eating the Lord's chips.
Scary Mommy Scary Mommy
direct contact
Author of the New York Times bestselling book Confessions of a Scary Mommy and owner of Fond of four letter curse words, sarcasm and Diet Coke.
Alice Bradley Alice Bradley
direct contact
Either that wallpaper goes, or I do.
momwithadotcom momwithadotcom
direct contact
Mommy, Blogger, technology lover, addicted to Social Media, Google & Klout! I ♥ the iPad & Android.
ParentsConnect ParentsConnect
direct contact
We're Not Perfect. We're Parents...
Mommy Blogger Mommy Blogger
direct contact
I'm a mother of 3 trying my best to make it through motherhood and keep my sanity! Visit my blogs and
Crystal Paine Crystal Paine
direct contact
Child of God, wife, homeschool mom of 3, wannabe runner, author of The Money Saving Mom's Budget. My motto: live simply, save aggressively, give generously.
Bad Mommy Blogger Bad Mommy Blogger
direct contact
Creme-filled, not sugar-coated
Mommy Bloggers Mommy Bloggers
direct contact
Mothers of all walks, shapes and sizes.
DaDa Rocks! DaDa Rocks!
direct contact
I became a Parent & then started a blog - about being a dad / father & fatherhood and somethings I love like Photography Toys TechGear TV & Movies! PR Friendly!
direct contact
The magazine and community for the woman behind the mom plus Brooke Burke's exclusive blog!
Erica Erica
direct contact
Co-founder @girlslunchout. Mommy Blogger. Content Creator. Social Media Addict. Go-Getter.
Angela Angela
direct contact
Just another mommy blogger, software engineer, internet addict, gadget lover, soccer mom, blogher contributing editor, but mostly sleepless.
Jessie Jessie
direct contact
freelance writer/editor, mommy blogger, compulsive reader, God-lover
TraciLeigh TraciLeigh
direct contact
Wife. Mommy. Blogger. Social media addict. Sometimes witty, often snarky. Loves all things Disney. Proud member of Children's Claritin Moms Crew.
YuliyaPatsay YuliyaPatsay
direct contact
Social media enthusiast. 'Mommy blogger'. Star of hit sitcom on IMOM network (in my own mind)
Brynn Brynn
direct contact
Mommy #Blogger sharing all things babies, children and parenting. Cool mommy stuff, #Reviews, #Contests & #Giveaways, recipes, crafts and more! PR Friendly!
Veronica Veronica
direct contact
I blog so hard mommy bloggers wanna fine me.
Cool Mom Picks Cool Mom Picks
direct contact
We find it, you flaunt it
momlogic momlogic
direct contact
What Moms Are Talking About.
Becky Flansburg Becky Flansburg
direct contact
Mommy Blogger, Virtual Assistant & Freelancer who loves her quirky, humorous style. Appreciator of naps.
The Bump The Bump
direct contact
We’re the editors from, your source for the inside scoop on getting pregnant, pregnancy, babies, and parenting!
Kristy / Couponista Kristy / Couponista
direct contact
Social Media Maven, Couponista, Mommy Blogger. #Milwaukee #WI #Coupons PR Friendly!
Sugar Jones Sugar Jones
direct contact
Blogger | Traveler | Outlier | Mom | Social Media Buzz Generator | Brand Ambassador for #Verizon #Nintendo #Invisalign I LOVE CAPS and !!!!!!'s
Cecily Cecily
direct contact
I've been called a bad ass mom blogger. I'm a social media geek. Columnist for @BabbleMomCrunch. Social for @AboutOne. My blog is
The SITS Girls The SITS Girls
direct contact
We are a group of 40,000 women & mom bloggers dedicated to learning about blogging, social media, and photography. Join us!
Moms at Work Moms at Work
direct contact
We are a group of working moms who every day engage in a precarious tight-rope act of balancing our jobs and family. Yes, sometimes we fall off!
Playground Dad Playground Dad
direct contact
Connecting modern dads who aim to spend better time with their kids. Tweets by Mike Johnson (@mjamrst)
Janis Brett Elspas Janis Brett Elspas
direct contact
Mom Blogger SocialMedia Strategist WAHM 4 w/ TRIPLETS #VogueInfluencer #ToyotaWomen Influencer Verizon #VZWBuzz Ambassador SocialMoms Tech Column #BlogHer12
Liz Gumbinner Liz Gumbinner
direct contact
Yes, they're real and they're spectacular. Also leaking a little.
Jessica Gottlieb Jessica Gottlieb
direct contact
Mom Blogger. Not stupid. Video: Wikipedia: Phone: 818.486.9363
Marisa Thalberg Marisa Thalberg
direct contact
Estee Lauder Companies' head of corporate digital marketing by day; Mom, and President of otherwise
Sarah Mae Sarah Mae
direct contact
Figuring out what it means to live small. Author of Desperate (Thomas Nelson, Jan 2013). Co-host of: #allume
Ciaran Blumenfeld Ciaran Blumenfeld
direct contact
Storyteller, dreamer of big dreams, kid wrangler & GM of Casa De Chaos. More on my many endeavors at
Tracey—PBS Parents Tracey—PBS Parents
direct contact
Parenting tips, articles, thoughts and laughs. (We love to laugh.)
Simple Homeschool Simple Homeschool
direct contact
I'm Jamie: Book Writer. Avid Reader. Adoptive Mother. Mommy Blogger. Home Educator. Global Thinker. Life Learner.
Erica Ehm Erica Ehm
direct contact
Erica Ehm is CEO of - a sexy online magazine that speaks to the woman in every mom.
Tara Kuczykowski Tara Kuczykowski
direct contact
CFO, Mediator, Chef, Chauffeur, Fashionista, Cheerleader, Physician, aka MOM (of 5) & @Unsophisticook
Amy Edmiston Amy Edmiston
direct contact
Lover of food, Workout fanatic, Mommy blogger, Boo-boo kisser, Home economist, and I share it all at Pennywise Cook.
Brandilyn Carpenter Brandilyn Carpenter
direct contact
WAHM knitter and Mommy Blogger
Smart Mom Tweets Smart Mom Tweets
direct contact
The best tips for smart moms. Also check us out at,, and
Mom Central Mom Central
direct contact
Engaging and helping influential moms build their platforms and increase their influence to support the brands they love!
Jenna Jenna
direct contact
Central Iowa Mom of 2 girls & now TWIN boys. #1 Twitterer by IA State Daily. Social Media Mom, Brand Ambassador, Blogger. Let's Connect
CafeMom CafeMom
direct contact
CafeMom is the largest and most vibrant meeting place for moms online. Best of tweets, conversation and recommendations!
Mary Fischer Mary Fischer
direct contact
Parenting humor blogger who is bringing Mom Sexy back. Staff Writer for @The_Stir. I also like to believe that I invented the Crystal Light martini.
Tanis Miller Tanis Miller
direct contact
Twirling the pompons in my own freak parade.
Andrea Fellman Andrea Fellman
direct contact
A Mom that hasn't lost her style to Motherhood! Editor of, Contributor BabyCenter's Momformation, iVoice for
Christine Young Christine Young
direct contact
Owner of, Wife, Mom of 7, Mom Blogger, Spokesmom, Product Ambassador, Walmart Mom, & Nielsen Power Mom.
Rookie Moms Rookie Moms
direct contact
Authors of Stuff Every Mom Should Know & The Rookie Mom's Handbook (Quirk Books). Bloggers. Buddies. More fun than wiping someone's tushy.
Carol Cain Carol Cain
direct contact
Formerly tweeting as @NYCityMama. PR Pro turned Travel & Food Blogger. Lover of photography & karaoke. Mom of 3 boys. Wife madly in love. Overall happy person.
Catherine Connors Catherine Connors
direct contact
Recovering academic, writer, ninja, shoe-wearer, mother. Director, Blogs & Social Media, / Disney Interactive Media Group. Fights like a girl.
Green Moms Carnival Green Moms Carnival
direct contact
A group of green women bloggers, uniting our voices to help preserve and protect Mother Earth for future generations. WINNER 2008 SHORTY AWARD!
Lenore Skenazy Lenore Skenazy
direct contact
Generalissimo of Free Range Kids Movement, syndicated columnist, sought-after speaker.To book, write: .
Beth Blecherman Tech Beth Blecherman Tech
direct contact
Curates Best: #Family & #Tech, Technlgist:, Deloitte Alum, PCMag Twitter Top100, Forbes Top 100 Website for Women
Big City Moms Big City Moms
direct contact
Marketing, Research, &Local Events for expectant moms, new moms,& families.Events include- new moms lunches, expectant events, support, seminars,classes,& more.
Christy J Christy J
direct contact
32 yr old supermom to 2..starbuck mug addict..mommy reviewing/PR social life
Christy Newell Christy Newell
direct contact
Mother of 2; Mommy Blogger; PR friendly; reviews, giveaways & MORE!
Cindy McGuire Cindy McGuire
direct contact
Wife, Mother, Mommy Blogger, Product Reviewer
5minutesformom 5minutesformom
direct contact
Susan and Janice are work-at-home moms who help promote moms at
phdinparenting phdinparenting
direct contact
I blog about parenting, feminism, social justice and the intersection between them. Topics: attachment parenting, feminism, secular parenting, multiculturalism.
Kimberley C. Blaine Kimberley C. Blaine
direct contact
Host TheGoToMom.TV webshow |Author|Spokesperson|Media Personality- Licensed Therapist, Preschool Whisperer & Executive Producer of www.MommytoMommy.TV
DrDaisyS DrDaisyS
direct contact
Dr, Author, Speaker, Health/Wellness Spokesperson, Featured in Forbes Top 100 Websites & #3 in Forbes Top 10 Parenting/Homemaking Websites for Women
Danielle Smith Danielle Smith
direct contact
Connector, Believer in Good, Drinker of Wine, Lover of high heels, Correspondent, Speaker, Host, Author, Former TV Anchor, Mom
Heather Heather
direct contact
Spoiling YOU with the hottest freebies! I blog at to help everyone save money. Join me on Facebook
Mommy Moment™ Mommy Moment™
direct contact
Blogger . Social Media Lover . Encourager . Actively involved in Social Media Campaigns & Brand Awareness. Happily married mom of 2. Passionate about people!
nicole feliciano nicole feliciano
direct contact
Style Maven, Trend Spotter, Spokesperson and Mom of 2. Founder of possession of large ambitions and strong opinions.
Kim Delatorre Kim Delatorre
direct contact
I am a mommy to two little kids. I love blogging about great products, hosting giveaways and just having fun :)
Savvy Mommy ® Savvy Mommy ®
direct contact
TV personality since 2002 * family lifestyle expert * author * Manhattan mom of four seen on TV/heard on radio as Savvy Mommy * brand ambassador
Amazing Moms Amazing Moms
direct contact
All about kids' birthday parties, crafts, holidays and fun!
Andrea Deckard Andrea Deckard
direct contact
Wife, mother, blogger, spokesperson, consultant, confident Karaoke singer. Motto: laugh, save, give. Prior 4-H Grand Champion winner. Yes, I'm a WINNER!
Nichelle N. Pace Nichelle N. Pace
direct contact
Founder/Chief Fashionista of STYLEMOM™, @brandenchanting client whisperer, snarky but loving, hip-hop/rock-n-roll mom of 2 rockstar boys, shoe addict
mommypoppins mommypoppins
direct contact
What's happening for kids in NYC
Colleen Padilla Colleen Padilla
direct contact
MBA turned SAHM of 2. Author. Spokesperson. Classy Mommy. Runner, Disney fan, founder of, Brand Advocate & Social Media Consultant
MckMama MckMama
direct contact
I write a blog, I adore color, I am married, I am sarcastic, I make children, I Tweet often, I love Jesus.
Rebecca Woolf Rebecca Woolf
direct contact
friend of the family
Moms Return To Work Moms Return To Work
direct contact
Terry Starr & Bradi Nathan launch to help moms return-to-work & working moms manage it all. FREE RESOURCES: Experts, Support, Jobs, Network.
Katja of Skimbaco Katja of Skimbaco
direct contact
Inspiring YOU to live Skimbaco lifestyle, to live life to the fullest. Online mag covers travel, fashion, home, family & food. Owned/tweets by @katjapresnal
MommyGoggles™ LLC MommyGoggles™ LLC
direct contact
National Mom Blogger, Marketing Consultant, Social Media Brand Enthusiast: Mom Central, Rayovac, Wilton, Microsoft, Brookstone, Verizon +More! #BlogHer12
momversation momversation
direct contact
The leading video network for moms. #YouNeedATimeOut || Momversation's tweet team: @erica_rich, @cinnerj & @jennchantal
Hanan Webster Hanan Webster
direct contact
Social Media Mom; Brand Ambassador; Professional blogger - I'd like to be the ideal mother, but I'm too busy raising my kids!
Stefania Pomponi B. Stefania Pomponi B.
direct contact
Co-Founder/President/Chief Evangelist @clevergirlscoll. Mamma to 3. Instagramer. Dwells in possibility. #sm #hawaii #paloalto #tech #p2 #fem2 #uu
Leah Segedie Leah Segedie
direct contact
Fitness Matriarch, #Mamavation Creator, Flawed Leader, Shape Mag Mother of Year, 4th Most Influential Mom Blogger/Cision Navigator, Oprah Celebrates Me ;)
Glamamom® Glamamom®
direct contact
Jill of all trades. Equally at home on the playground or at fashion week. Also @HighLineMedia
Erin Chase Erin Chase
direct contact
I'm Erin. The $5 Dinner Mom. I cook. I blog. I author cookbooks. I write for And I can not make a meal that costs more than $5. Even if I try.
Wendy Piersall Wendy Piersall
direct contact
Serial entrepreneur - I live to create: businesses, blogs, buzz, art, eatables, wearables... even a few kids. I also wrote a book: Mom Blogging for Dummies!
Joanne Bamberger Joanne Bamberger
direct contact
Author,Mothers of Intention:How Women/Social Media are Revolutionizing Politics in America;founder,PunditMom & The Broad Side;CEO,Broad Side Strategies
Maggie Mason Maggie Mason
direct contact
Publisher of Mighty Girl, co-founder Mighty Events.
Gabrielle Blair Gabrielle Blair
direct contact
Covering the intersection of design and motherhood. Mother of 6. A founder of @AltSummit and @Kirtsy.
Lucretia M Pruitt Lucretia M Pruitt
direct contact
Random Muse. Entrepreneur, ex-CIS Prof, Social Media Devotee, Geek, Mom, Wife & Insomniac (once @geekmommy) Off the startup treadmill again... for now. ;)
rolemommy rolemommy
direct contact
Former network TV Executive turned writer, PR maven and author. Founder of; editor in chief of @ProjectYouMag & contributor at @LifetimeMoms.
MomItForward MomItForward
direct contact
Dedicated to enhancing the lives of women, their families & their communities. Join #gno Twitter Parties & our social media conference
Melissa Dawn Lierman Melissa Dawn Lierman
direct contact
Woman40.Runner. Mom.Kids13.11.4. #MomsRunning Founder, Digital Marketing Strategist, @Windows Tech Blogger, Want 2 Change the World? Change the Life of a Mom!
Jeanine Edwards Jeanine Edwards
direct contact
Editor of
direct contact
Wife of the year. Award-Winning Mommy. Full-Time Cardigan Wearer. Part-time Colin Firth Stalker. (If found unconscious, resuscitate with a quad-latte).
parentingmaven parentingmaven
direct contact
Weird Blogging Mommy with lots of Parenting tips and stories
Jennifer James Jennifer James
direct contact
Founder: Global network of 18k mom/mum bloggers. Also: @socialgoodmoms @momblogmag. Writes for @GatesFoundation, @BabbleVoices, @RickiLakeShow
Dude to Dad (Hugh) Dude to Dad (Hugh)
direct contact
An average dude (@hughweber) becoming a dad (to @emersonweber) with mantra of “Work. Play. Do Good.” Founder of @MrsDudesFund. Proud Montessori Dad.
MomsRising MomsRising
direct contact
Non-profit organization working to build a more family-friendly America. Text MOMS to RISING to stay connected!
amalah amalah
direct contact
I look forward to utilizing social media outlets such as Twitter in order to express myself in a more succinct & to-the-point manner, furthermore I believe tha
Katherine Stone Katherine Stone
direct contact
Write top blog on postpartum depression; mental health advocate; Babble parenting columnist; #6, 2011 Top 10 Mom Bloggers; more @
Anissa Mayhew Anissa Mayhew
direct contact
Like snorting pop rocks, but without the headache. I handle PR inquiries for Aiming Low, the #NonCon & Area 51. Anissa (@)
Trisha Haas Trisha Haas
direct contact
#momblogger for
Alli Worthington Alli Worthington
direct contact
Connector. Host. Speaker. Founder. Consultant. Strategist. Wife. Mom. Believer. Humanitarian. A founder of @BlissDom & @PichaGlobal
Stacie H Connerty Stacie H Connerty
direct contact
Mother. Writer. Social Media Consultant. Foodie. Lifestyle & Travel Blogger. Groupon Addict. Food Truck Stalker. TV Junkie. Eternal Optimist. #SMMoms
Dave Dave
direct contact
A friendly tech guy with a Geek-to-English dictionary.
SelfishMom SelfishMom
direct contact
Whatever you think I said, I was probably being sarcastic. Except when I said you're brilliant & gorgeous, then I was being serious.
Sheena @ Sophistishe Sheena @ Sophistishe
direct contact
Professional Blogger (Memoir). Thinker. Free Spirit. Photog. Loves Food. Follows: #wellness #travel #baby #naturalhair What I do:
Kelly Whalen Kelly Whalen
direct contact
Money & Mom blogger @ The Centsible Life, co-founder @JustCentsible & principal @Splash_Creative. Mom of 4, DIY destructo, gluten-free, caffeinated.
Britt Michaelian Britt Michaelian
direct contact
Social Media Producer, Author, Entrepreneur & Mom specializing in creative systems. Big fan of laughter, truth & love #411Voices #TwitterPowerhouse
2Wired2Tired 2Wired2Tired
direct contact
My 2 kids are too wired, while my husband & I are too tired! I'm an Ohio mom who loves to freelance, blog, & travel. Also find us at
Kristen Chase Kristen Chase
direct contact
Mom. Writer. Tightrope Walker. (Okay, not really).
Leigh Caldwell Leigh Caldwell
direct contact
Veteran journalist. Traveler. Social media believer. Mommy. Disney / Theme Parks writer. Mom blogger covering family travel and entertainment.
Working Mother Working Mother
direct contact
Working Mother is mentor, role model and advocate for more than 17 million moms who are devoted to their families and committed to their careers. #workmom
Cher Kachelmuss Cher Kachelmuss
direct contact
SAHM of 2 boys and baby girl. I host lots and lots of giveaways & product reviews! PR Friendly! Reviewer, Blogger, Brand Ambassador. I'll be at BlogHer'12!
Dr. Leah Klungness Dr. Leah Klungness
direct contact
Moms and dads come to us for encouragement, community, and parenting tips—as well as advice on dating, relationships, and blended families.
Alpha Mom (TM) Alpha Mom (TM)
direct contact
The one and only/ Forbes Top 10 Motherhood Gurus... awwww yeah/
Baby Making Mama Baby Making Mama
direct contact
News anchor by day. Blogger & wannabe domestic diva by night. I debated #motherhood but I'm glad I took the plunge. I blog my journey & obsess over kid #fashion
Tiffany Romero Tiffany Romero
direct contact
Creator of Bloggy Boot Camp and {40K strong!} Mom. Wife. Lover of summer camp, books and my son's freckles. Believer in Possibility {and in you}.
Tonia Sanders™ Tonia Sanders™
direct contact
Dishing out the 411 on motherhood, pregnancy, marriage, and ANYTHING else I feel like saying!
Women On The Fence Women On The Fence
direct contact
Wife & Mom|Editor-In-Chief|Success Coach|Entrepreneur|Speaker|Author|Media Personality|Spokesperson|FORBES Top 100 Sites For Women|TOP 20 WOMEN in Canada|Funny|
Corine Ingrassia Corine Ingrassia
direct contact
Lifestyle Blogger. Shopping addict. Social Media Geek. Speaker. Owner of Complicated Media, LLC
LisaStone LisaStone
direct contact
BlogHer Co-founder and CEO, shameless user advocate
direct contact
Work-at-home mom/owner of MomsWhoSave - posting deals, coupons, & freebies. More deals at and at PR friendly
Stephanie Elie Stephanie Elie
direct contact
Streamlining the daily grind. Living for the moment.
Karen Walrond Karen Walrond
direct contact
Wildly convinced you're uncommonly beautiful. Writer, photographer, non-practicing lawyer. Author of The Beauty of Different & Trini.
Jill Krause Jill Krause
direct contact
Mothering. Laughing. Bitching. Crafting. Changing. Snapping. #Blogher12 #NintendoEnthused #WINE #FatBabies #TerroristToddlers
mamakatslosinit mamakatslosinit
direct contact
I'm a sarcastic mother of three with a busy home daycare that clashes with my desire to do nothing all day.
Brandy Brandy
direct contact
Silly Happy NH Mom of 3 munchkins! Author of .Brand Ambassador. Working 2 spread happiness to all. The Mom behind @happilyblended
Amy Bellgardt Amy Bellgardt
direct contact
Wife, Mom, Blogger, Social Media Addict, Nerd & Founder of and Lover of Converse, Muse and coffee.
Julie Julie
direct contact
Working mom, blogger, headband wearing, photographing genius. Oh, and I'm destined to be big in Utah!
Audrey McClelland Audrey McClelland
direct contact
Mom of 4 boys. Author. TV Personality. Spokesperson. Fashionista. Fashion & Beauty Advice for Moms. Nielson Power Pack Moms. Happily ever-after-believer!
Maria Bailey Maria Bailey
direct contact
CEO of @BSMMedia, Author of Power Moms, Nielsen's Power 16 Pack Moms, MomTalkRadio Host, Producer of @SheStreams Conference, Co-Founder
Kristen Howerton Kristen Howerton
direct contact
Mom of 4. Adjunct psych professor. Blogging at @BabbleVoices and @HuffPoParents.
Michele McGraw Michele McGraw
direct contact
Tech Blogger, Mom to 4, Lifestyle Technology, Family, Runner, Fitness Gaming, Social Media, Digital Scrapbooking. Mac & PC Geek, Gadget Editor, Going #BlogHer12
Jennifer Jennifer
direct contact
Celebrating Healthier Food & Family Togetherness - Peppered with Personality. Scientist, Mom & Blogger.
Jodi Grundig Jodi Grundig
direct contact
Boston mom of 2, #familytravel and #parenting blogger, MBA, Disney Mom, co-founder Boston Parent Bloggers,,
Boston Mamas Boston Mamas
direct contact
Christine Koh = music + brain scientist turned creative overlord. Mom of 2. Proponent of Oxford commas. Most likable mom on Twitter according to the internet.
Kimberly Vetrano Kimberly Vetrano
direct contact
Social Media Mom, Brand Ambassador, Blogger, Writer, Photographer, ♥ Movies, Disney & AMC's The Walking Dead, PR Friendly. Find me on
Jennifer Taggart Jennifer Taggart
direct contact
Attorney regulatory compliance & labeling specialist consumer toy products safety F963 CPSA CPSIA Prop 65 XRF Mom Blogger Author Green
Rachael Herrscher Rachael Herrscher
direct contact
Founder, Organizer of #evoconf, wanna be tech geek, mama of 3, TED:
Tracey GaughranPerez Tracey GaughranPerez
direct contact
Mother, smartass, unrepentant geek. Not actually famous.
Toni Anderson Toni Anderson
direct contact
Happy Housewife, Savvy Blogger, #DealPro. Classical pianist, wannabe trapeze artist. Slept in Cinderella's castle. Bringing it on the web since '06.
Jenny Ingram Jenny Ingram
direct contact
A California girl living near Seattle. I hold coffee in one hand, sparkle in the other, & Awesome in the other?
Carla Young Carla Young
direct contact
Mom, Copywriter, Social Media Addict, Publisher of MOMeo | Loves lattes, laughing with friends, bargain hunting & exploring the outdoors!
Sarah Pinnix Sarah Pinnix
direct contact
New Media Mom, Blogger/Vlogger, Libertarian. Loves Jesus, and her husband, too. Social Media for a Non-Profit (All statements are my own)
Jessica Shyba Jessica Shyba
direct contact
Learning the ropes of living in NYC with children. New resident, old soul. Bring it.
Heather Spohr Heather Spohr
direct contact
One of Oprah's Favorite Things.
Erika Lehmann Erika Lehmann
direct contact
Loves exploring the OC. Editor @LifetimeMoms. On-camera talent and host. Mommy. Engaged to @morganb. NOLA born and raised. Generally awesome.
Jamie Pearson Jamie Pearson
direct contact
Writer, mom of two, and founder of Travel Savvy Mom. I see and blog about the funny side of family travel. Yes, there is one.
TheFeministBreeder TheFeministBreeder
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Rocker Chick turned Natural Mom. Public health graduate student, activist blogger, and doula. Played in a famous rock band. Now I'm a birth junkie.
CircleofMoms CircleofMoms
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Circle of Moms is the online community dedicated to making the lives of moms easier and more enjoyable. Tweets, news and deals to never be out of the mom loop.
Barb Barb
direct contact
Social Media Mom | Blogger Focus on Travel & Special Needs | Director of Social Influence for @organizedcook & @travelingmom #tmom
Morgan (The818) Morgan (The818)
direct contact
I write. I mom. I consult. I design. I panic. I ruin dinners. I rinse. I repeat.
Melissa Chapman Melissa Chapman
direct contact
Jewish mama & bloggess @lifetimemoms @duanereade social media consultant, ADORE my ShihTzus & kids & my husband
{ Tammi } { Tammi }
direct contact
Mom of 3 Princesses {Twins plus one}. Blogger, Marketer & Social Media Addict. Fueled by coffee, chocolate & dreaming of the next vacation.
Nirasha Nirasha
direct contact
Engineer for 12 years before I traded rat race for my rug rats. Social Media Junkie and Founder of &
Heather Reinhard Heather Reinhard
direct contact
Ivy League Graduate. Author. Blogger. Brand Ambassador @momAgenda Business Owner @ThetaMomMedia Co-Founder @LaunchingMom Adjunct Professor turned Mompreneur.
Onica {MommyFactor} Onica {MommyFactor}
direct contact
A mom's opinion on parenting, pr/media events, #tech product reviews & more on Mom to biracial child. Lover of #socialmedia
Laura Mayes Laura Mayes
direct contact
Who doesn't want to write in 140 characters? A founder of (@kirtsy), Mom 2.0 Summit (@mom2summit), & Mighty Events. More:
LeticiaTechSavvyMama LeticiaTechSavvyMama
direct contact
DC mom of 2, education & tech expert, social media strategist, freelance writer, Parent Mag's Editors' Choice: Top Tech Blog & Babble Top 50 Twitter Moms 20
SimplyBeingMommy 11 SimplyBeingMommy
direct contact
Proud mom of three from Texas and wife to @DaddyDigest, Diet Soda Addict, Chocolate Lover, Brand Partner, Reality TV Junkie and PR Friendly Influencer
Kelby Carr Kelby Carr
direct contact
CEO of #typeacon @typeaparentcon (Atlanta for 2013) and @typeaparent (blog), speaker, consultant, original Type-A Mom, author: Pinterest @ForDummies
Colleen Colleen
direct contact
Mother to 3 kids, wife to an awesome & thoughtful hubby. Blogging from Sunny South Florida I am passionate about Health and Fitness.
themommyfiles themommyfiles
direct contact
Welcome to The Mommy-Files! I'm a single mom of 3 boys on the Central Coast of California. I was raised as the oldest of 4 girls.
Kimberly Coleman Kimberly Coleman
direct contact
Wife - mom - former business analyst turned blogger. Sharing info from NYC Family Activity Site (Mom in the City) & Lifestyle/Personal Blog (Foodie City Mom).
Mommy Blogger Mommy Blogger
direct contact
Get listed on the Top Mommy Blogger site giving you the business best blogs by moms & dads in one place. Brainchild of @blogging4jobs. #blogher #blissdom
Quirky Fusion Quirky Fusion
direct contact
Quirky, opinionated, passionate & curious. Writer, reader, crafter, gamer, techie, tv addict. Co-founder BostonParentBloggers, Owner
Whitney Wingerd -MWS Whitney Wingerd -MWS
direct contact
Mom of 2 boys. Mommies with Style. Write about Fashion, Babies, Maternity, Life, Food & Travel. Love wine, running & social media. Also @FTDiary
Jo-Lynne Jo-Lynne
direct contact
Christ follower, mom blogger, barefoot runner, shopping addict, people collector, lover of shoes & handbags. #PSMM #FitFluential #SMMoms
sassypiehole sassypiehole
direct contact
unedited, unadulterated: straight out of the mouth of a tiny little girl. ~wiseass mother. writer. blogger. juggler.
Melinda Roberts Melinda Roberts
direct contact
Mater ex Machina: Mom appears suddenly or unexpectedly and provides a contrived solution to an apparently insoluble difficulty.
Amy Allen Clark Amy Allen Clark
direct contact
Founder of Kenmore Home Management Expert. Walmart Mom. Minute Maid Spokesperson. Freelance writer. Lover of the beautiful & simple life.
Casey-moosh in indy. Casey-moosh in indy.
direct contact
I like to take pictures. I have a one eyed cat with thumbs. I wish people would be nicer to each other. If you've never met me you should really reconsider.
joeyfortman joeyfortman
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Radio host, turned TV Host, turned Mom and New Media Nut! Host of Real Mom Radio on @957benfm in cofounder @MomsOnTheSpot !
Denene Millner Denene Millner
direct contact
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Editor of Parenting magazine columnist. Essence magazine contributing writer. Nice with the verbs.
Lorraine Regel Lorraine Regel
direct contact
A mom, a mum, and now an author. Our guide to surviving the first year of motherhood 'The Survival Guide for Rookie Moms' is now in stores.
MarinkaNYC MarinkaNYC
direct contact
KimMoldofsky KimMoldofsky
direct contact
Blogger, vlogger, writer, baker, maker, home renovator, grower of children and vegetables. Also at and
Robin Robin
direct contact
Mom - food blogger, recipes, autism & social media/ brand ambassador. DIY decor & renovations.
Vera Sweeney Vera Sweeney
direct contact
Mom of 2. Writes about Fashion, Food, Family & Travel. Starbucks addict. Also owner of @imnotobsessed,@babyrazzi, co-owner of @getgorgevents
Meagan Francis Meagan Francis
direct contact
Mom of five. Author/blogger/speaker. Apparently look more innocent than I am.
PragmaticMom PragmaticMom
direct contact
I blog excessively about children's and YA books. When I cover education and parenting, KidLit somehow slips in.
Molly Gold Molly Gold
direct contact
Brand and Product Specialist, Organization Expert, Video Blogger, Event Planner, Writer
Sam Sam
direct contact
Canadian Mom to 4. Coffee dependent. Nature lover & bug hater- yes they can go together. Ubichamp, KinderMom, P&G Mom, FisherPriceMom
Stephanie Precourt Stephanie Precourt
direct contact
Writer. Director & producer of the SOLD OUT Listen To Your Mother NWI Show. Awesome mom of 4. Married to @jprecourt.
petit_elefant petit_elefant
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I'm the founder/editor of Petit Elefant. I write about fashion/travel/family/home. Mostly. I'm also a fashion stylist. Founder of SocialLuxe Lounge.
direct contact
God#1,Wifey,Momma,Entrepreneur,25yrs #CustServ Mgmt, Olympic Level Snarkster-Social Media & Info Fiend.Everything I know-I Googled.Listed w/#TwitterPowerhouses
OC Moms OC Moms
direct contact
Find family-friendly events, parenting resources and more just for you. This account managed by @roxannima and @shanbuon
Cat Davis Cat Davis
direct contact
Social Media #Mom, #Foodie & Review Blogger. I do it all & love almost every minute of it. Visit for #parenting, #recipes & #reviews
Mary Mary
direct contact to a toddler. online student. blogger. reader. loves psychology. pagan.
Amy Gates Amy Gates
direct contact
A mama of two kids, I blog about parenting, health, green living, activism & social change. I'm trying to change the world, one blog post at a time. :)
OurOrdinaryLife® OurOrdinaryLife®
direct contact
Daydreamer, foodie, organic eater. Nielsen Power Mom, brand partner.
Mothering Mothering
direct contact
Mothering is the premier community for naturally minded parents. Founded as a magazine in 1976, today we host the most active forums for parents online.
Michelle Rivera  Michelle Rivera
direct contact
Emmy Award winning TV Host. Founder/Editor-In-Chief of 'Mommyhood to Hollywood.' @YahooShine Get-It-Guide Guru. Co-Host of @EveryWayWoman! Wife & Momma!
Shellie Ross Shellie Ross
direct contact
Mother, Wife, Blogger, FARMER, SAY NO TO GMO, Survivor, PR friendly blogger, Cook, Baker, and so much more.
Mrs. Flinger Mrs. Flinger
direct contact
Front end developer. Web standards fan, Purveyor of choice words, Bringer of Unicorns. I travel, code, and write. Mommy Blogging since 2003.
Fadra Nally Fadra Nally
direct contact
Mom. Wife. Ex-Corporate Worker. Seeing if I can do it better my way. Join me in my off time at @CharInfluence and @SocialDialect.
BusyWorkingMama BusyWorkingMama
direct contact
Blogger, Worker, Mom, Chef, Runner, Sushi-aholic, Gardner, Online Shop-aholic, Lotion and Potion Junkie. CPA by Day.
Alaina Shearer Alaina Shearer
direct contact
Newly-wed to the love of my life @sethgray, blogging mom, Chief Digital Strategist of @cementmarketing. #blogger
Megan Jordan Megan Jordan
direct contact
Deftly longwinded writer, mom, speaker, consultant; magazine publisher + editor @StoryBleed. If not for my need to clarify, I'd be a poet.
poshmama poshmama
direct contact
Self-proclaimed America's Tweetheart, Wife, Mama to @Doggles & 2 Fab Rescued Dogs, Passionate Traveler, Lover of Life, Support NoH8, Animal Advocate and more!
Natalie H Natalie H
direct contact
WAHM of a 4 yr old & 2 yr old twins.Blogger, freelance writer, and addict of all things social media.Wine lover and co-founder of @havewine!
Princess Time Toys Princess Time Toys
direct contact
Connie - mom to 2 adult boys, happy wife since 1983, owner &, Vegetarian, living with MS & blogging about stuff I love.
ACowboysWife ACowboysWife
direct contact
Self-Taught Problogger, Social Media Influencer, Tech Nerd. CEO/Founder of - & but merged to simplify.
Teri Teri
direct contact
The Cool Wife & Mom to 7! They keep me on my toes & dirty all day long. I love to write, doodle & GO. Control freak, master multitasker & social media rockstar!
Julie Julie
direct contact
PR exec turned teacher turned SAHM of 3, writer, SMer & PTOer. editor & founder of &, principal at Splash Creative Media
Kelli Miller Kelli Miller
direct contact
PR Friendly mom blogger of 3 Boys (4 including DH). Also
kelly kelly
direct contact
cherry coke drinking, snowboarding, world-traveling, marathon running triathlete, REAL oc housewife & mama of 3, w/ADD crafting tendencies & an MBA degree.
Tara Jefferson Tara Jefferson
direct contact
Changing #WhatAYoungMomLooksLike one tweet at a time. Author of Make It Happen, a career guide for #youngmoms:
Lyss Stern Lyss Stern
direct contact
NYC’s premier social network for fabulyss moms & their adorable kids. Think Sex & the City meets Mommy & Me. Founded by momtrepreneur, Lyss Stern.
Jennifer Marshall Jennifer Marshall
direct contact
I am a SAHM of twins trying to keep my sanity - I know, I just used SAHM and sanity in the same sentence. That's NUCKING FUTS, isn't it?!
Erin Kotecki Vest Erin Kotecki Vest
direct contact
My unicorn can kick your unicorn's ass. Imported from Detroit. Making Lupus my bitch.
MommaDJane MommaDJane
direct contact
Single WAHM of 3, avid traveler, writer, mom blogger, mentor & future public speaker on teenage pregnancy prevention. Special Needs & non-profit advocate!
Desiree Peeples Desiree Peeples
direct contact
Mom blogger and published author. I blog about 'real-life' home, beauty, and lifestyle news for 'real-life' moms. @DesireePeeples
Maggie Cary Maggie Cary
direct contact
Teacher, writer, and mom to 2 great kids & 1 big dog. I write about, education, parenting & kidlit. Author of Secrets of the Crystal Cavern (1/2012 release).
Nina Restieri Nina Restieri
direct contact
Founder/President of momAgenda, mom of 4, wife, runner, blogger, writer, multitasker. Mom of @DrewRest and @MattyRest
Kris Cain Kris Cain
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Tech Expert & Blogger | Speaker -Tech & Social Media | Consultant | Social Event Planner | Mom to 2 sets of twins | (aka @ChiTownMoms) |
Stephanie Quilao Stephanie Quilao
direct contact
Healthiness curator, Runner, iPhone food photographer. Founder Thriving Media. Healthy living, food, #mhealth & apps. Tweets food @noshtopia Loves Yoda!
The Next Martha The Next Martha
direct contact
Not your average ADHD mom. I've been known to use a stapler to close a split in my pants. I'm not worth Follow.
OHmommy OHmommy
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Self proclaimed globe trotting SAHM formerly from Cleveland, now in Chicago.
❤Shelby Barone❤ ❤Shelby Barone❤
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Orange County Freelance Columnist CBS LA, The OC Register, OC Family & Yahoo! Shine Get it Guide. Voted top 25 SoCal Mom Bloggers!
Caroline Fernandez Caroline Fernandez
direct contact
Writer. Blogger. Activity Mummy for YMC. Co-founder #zombiemoms. Mom of 3. In search of the laundry fairy.
Amanda Amanda
direct contact
Top mom blogger, features awesome products and great giveaways.
SthrnFairytale SthrnFairytale
direct contact
Deep Fried Southern Belle. Loves to cook & create in the kitchen. Photography & Canon obsessed, Mama, Laugher, Lover of Chipotles, Good Cheeses & Cookbooks
TheDomesticMommy TheDomesticMommy
direct contact
Blogger, Vlogger, and a single mommy of two.
Courtney Rix Courtney Rix
direct contact
Community Director Collective Bias.Owner Miami Mommie.,Detroit Mommies.Discovering Arkansas.Runner.Trend spotter.Tastemaker.Traveler.
BloggyMoms BloggyMoms
direct contact
Social media Follow of 71,000+ influential & savvy women | Founded by @TiffanyNoth @ABloggyMom | Join us at #BloggyCon @BloggyCon
Angie Knutson Angie Knutson
direct contact
Stay-at-home homeschooling mom of four. Blogger at, Charter @Chiquita Mom, & Social Media Director for @DoubleDutyDivas.
DiaperDiaries DiaperDiaries
direct contact
Always fully loaded, sometimes full of crap. Also blog at @4BetterAndWorse. Wife to @ryaninGR.
ConsumerQueen ConsumerQueen
direct contact
Christian,Social Media Strategist for Collective Bias,PR & Social Media Consultant,Twitter Parties,Sensible Coupon Classes for Public & Retail Stores,
Melanie Notkin Melanie Notkin
direct contact
Founder, Publisher, Voice & Marketer behind SAVVY AUNTIE®, a celebration of modern Aunthood. Natl best-selling author. Join the Auntourage: Facebook/SavvyAuntie
vodkamom vodkamom
direct contact
I am a kindergarten teacher, writer, blogger and exhausted mother. Don't bother calling me because I never answer the phone.
Lolli Franklin Lolli Franklin
direct contact
I blog. I tweet. I take lots of pictures. Oh, and I have 5 kids. Twitter, take me away!
mochamomma mochamomma
direct contact
Negroid. In love with The Cuban. A lifelong contrarian. I swear like a Scottish comedian. I am awesome every day.
Meredith Sinclair Meredith Sinclair
direct contact
Meredith is saving the world, one Nerf gun battle at a time. Modern mom, TV segment girl, writer, vlogger, spokesmom. Jump-on, it's fast moving ride.
katie allison granju katie allison granju
direct contact
Blogger. Mother of five. Hater of possums. Whole story at
Coupon Cravings Coupon Cravings
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Coupon extraordinaire, working mom of 2, fun deal finder
HeatheroftheEO HeatheroftheEO
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I'm a writer/blogger(that's a wrogger)-Editor @StoryBleed magazine-Contributor @OwningPink-Travel blogger @Trekaroo--Wife & mother to 3--Talk to me, Goose.
Deb - Mom Of 3 Girls Deb - Mom Of 3 Girls
direct contact
Mom to 3 girls and also love to blog, read, travel & knit. Blogs:, Social Media Manager/blogger for
Melinda Melinda
direct contact
mom of 3, wife to @anddadtoo, owner of LookWhatMomFound...andDadtoo! Nielsen Power Mom, recipes, crafts,reviews & giveaways too!
GoonSquadSarah GoonSquadSarah
direct contact
I am Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah. Blogger, sports addict, foodie, mother of twins, compulsive heating engineer. That's right. You heard me.
Bethany Winters Bethany Winters
direct contact
Los Angeles based wardrobe stylist and mother...amongst other things. (Formerly of
MindfulMomma MindfulMomma
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Mom of 2 on a quest to live a greener & healthier life. Founder of Mindful Momma blog. Author. Freelance writer. Sustainable brand champion.
The Mom Reviews The Mom Reviews
direct contact
California Girl ~ Dance, Baseball, and Soccer Mom of 3 ~ Travel Writer ~ Product Reviewer ~ Social Media Addict ~ Brand Ambassador ~ Food Lover
amy mascott amy mascott
direct contact
teacher, mother, dreamer. lover of literacy, fun learning, good food, and three crazy-cool kids. finder of four-leaf clovers.
Mandy Mandy
direct contact
Mom, blogger, vintage lover, pho eater. Narwhal aficionado. And you know that saying it's always something with you, isn't it? They were talking about me.
Monica Brady Monica Brady
direct contact
Wife of a Former Marine, Proud mom of 6yo twin girls. Social Media/Marketing Consultant, Blogger! Powered by Coffee... Check out!
Ashley Ashley
direct contact
Mom of 2, expecting 3rd. .Social media marketer & Atlanta Blogger. Work with SITS and a variety of great companies.
Wired Mom Wired Mom
direct contact
Connecting families online. A division of Wired Safety.
Melissa Melissa
direct contact
Social Media Addict, PR Friendly Mom, addicted to Disney, loves cooking, traveling, StlCards baseball, reading & spending time with family.
Beth Anne Beth Anne
direct contact
Toddler wrangler, wife, cupcake queen, marketer, blogger, writer for Babble. So awesome that Princess Kate wants to make a hat out of me.
The Motherhood The Motherhood
direct contact
The best mom-sourced wisdom on the web.
Texasholly Texasholly
direct contact
I am alive.
Crissy Page Crissy Page
direct contact
I am a run-on sentence. I am a mom, a blogger, a bit of a social media junkie and a Diet Coke addict. I am far too forthcoming. Find me at
Gigi [KludgyMom] Gigi [KludgyMom]
direct contact
My blog = wacky humor + parenting fails + tech + blog tips. Editor of @DailyBuzzTech + @DailyBuzzHealth + co-founder of @havewine.
~ Emily ~ Emily
direct contact
Wife, Mom to 3 boys (1 w/Autism). Coffee, Wine & twitter addict. Find me at, &

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