Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to Get Power-Bloggers to Link to You Fast


We all know the concept of a side door. 

Everyone tries to get in through the front door of a club, a concert, an exhibit... and the only people who really get in without any hassle are the people who use the side door.

Well, with popular bloggers, it's the same situation.

Getting mentioned by a power blogger is a double benefit. First, you get instant exposure to their loyal readership of multiple thousands immediately. Second, since they get sooooo many inbound links, you'll immediately get shot up to the top of Google. But since everybody knows this everyone is going to try to reach them.

This is how most people try to get featured by a major blog:


The Front Door

1. They use the contact link on the blog website.

2. They try to tweet
at people like @xenijardin http://twitter.com/#!/xenijardin

3. They try to email these guys.

IF you're advanced, maybe you're a PR pro, you'll

4. ask for their content calendar
and you'll try to tie in your product or company to something relevant to them.


Unless you're getting paid hourly by the government, don't do any of the above.

Everyone is using the above methods. As far as method #4, there are far fewer people who as savvy enough to ask for a content calendar so while the volume of your competition shrinks with this approach, all the others asking for a content calendar are dudes and girls who are seasoned PR pros who went to Columbia University for their journalism degree.

So if you use any of the above strategies, you're literally 

a. competing with a huge number of amateurs

b. smaller number of seasoned power pr vets.

And, worst of all, even if you do get scheduled for inclusion into a power blogger's blog like mashable or boingboing, it's going to be on THEIR time table. It's going to be when THEY want to mention you... NOT when you need the traffic for your seasonal sales push.


So, instead, use the side door.

The side door has 7 steps to get you into a power-blogger's blog in just a few hours. In fact, these steps are only used by industry insiders like Michael Arrington (sold his blog: techcrunch for $30 million dollars) and Jason Calacanis (sold his blog network for about $27 Million) and even Google itself. Basically, it's the difference between how a realtor looks at realestate vs Donald Trump. And the 7 steps specifically give you detailed instructions and steps to follow. 

After your first read, you'll immediately wonder why you didn't do this any sooner.

In fact... I'll give you one of the steps that didn't make the grade. This is a technique to get into major power blogs that wasn't even worth including in the 7 step list. But, it's much more effective and powerful than anything that most people ever do. Only the best of the best PR pros use this 8th strategy.

Even though only the best of the best PR pros use this 8th strategy, part of the reason this particular technique didn't make the list is because you may have already heard of it and because it's just not as effective as any of the other 7. 


Powerful Ways to Get Featured by a Power Blogger
(That Weren't Good Enough for the 7 Step Trade Secret List)

Every now and then, some brilliant and resourceful person looks at how laborious and tedious it is to try and get press. Then they decide to structure a simpler way of doing do.

Craig did this with the newspaper classifieds.

He simply decided to create a simple and instant way to post a classified. By the way, Craig makes about $20 million dollars a month. I know, totally unrelated factoid.

Pete Shankman and Jason Kintzer did the same thing to blogging that Craig did to classifieds. They created http://www.helpareporter.com/ and http://pitchengine.com , respectively.

Try them out. But...

But they are still not good enough to mention in our 7 Step Trade Secret Strategies to Get Featured by a Major Blogger.

the PR Perspective


It’s an interesting profession we have…and although it’s not officially seen as the oldest profession in the world, on one hand we truly believe it is as old as mankind. Remember Adam, Eve and that historical apple? What this story teaches us besides the known factors is that people are open for temptation.

Now as kids we are drawn towards two things: promoted items made attractive and forbidden items. Packed with this knowledge we can conclude that humanity is attracted to appealing items, forbidden or not. Nope, you don’t have to be a genius to figure that one out.

Yet the ultimate question within the PR-landscape is: what makes a product, company, event or brand attractive?

Now anything & everything has a story. No story is ever exactly the same. And there comes the choice. Do we feel the urge to color our story, or can we keep it straight? Well, maybe there is a thin fine line between those options. A line saying “details matter”, or rather said, “what is the difference”? Let’s be honest, if we take the fashion industry as an example, nearly everybody sells cotton, or denim or whatever material used.Nearly all believe their handwriting to be unique.

And the irony? In our modern western society nearly nobody actually really needs anything. We may want something, but that’s a whole different story! Aha…so what makes us want something? Want is an emotion! Therefore a person needs to feel an emotional connection in order to want something. Of course a design can make you feel that ‘want’, yet the strongest connection possible is ‘attachment’. And yes, dear ladies & gentlemen, we all are emotionally attached to brands, concepts & companies. We all favor one brand of peanut butter over another, most of the time not purely based on the taste of the product itself, but also by its look & feel, as well as the message it stands for.

Now I’m very well aware of the fact that we handle p.r. as if it were philosophy, yet in a way it is. It takes a lot of empathic abilities to dive into the consumers mind and try to tickle their senses in an honest, pure, yet highly effective way. Why sent out white envelops to the media in order to promote your latest press release on shocking pink accessories? Why still overfeed them with overkill on information, instead of showing them the apple they are tempted to pick from the tree against all odds? They too are human beings, with emotions very similar to those of any consumer?

Our mission here at So PR is to truly think outside the box. Not in order to be different, yet purely to show that every brand, product or concept is different! A fact that should show within every detail. Almost make it ‘taste-able’, immediately request an emotion that in all thinkable ways breathes the true DNA of the particular brand, product or concept. Make it a perfect fit, a picture that perfectly suits its creator. PR is more than just a profession; it’s a calling, a longing to share, born out of enthusiasm instead of greed…

contact Odette in Europe:   http://so-pr.com

on twitter: @odettes

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Biggest Difference Between Retail Marketing and Online Marketing Is?


I run a marketing firm. I have for the last 17 years. In that time, I've seen two kinds of clients-- the very successful ones asking me to help them get to the next level and the zero victory ones asking me to get them to the first level.

There's one small thing that separates them.

The successful CEOs know what the next level is. The brand new entrepreneurs or the zero-victory-so-far CEOs THINK they know what the next level is.

The French Marshall Lyautey asked his gardener to plant a tree. The gardener objected that the tree was slow growing and would not reach maturity for 100 years. The Marshall replied, ‘In that case, there is no time to lose; plant it now!’ ~John F. Kennedy

I was looking for a way to explain the difference that all our readers could identify with. Everyone comes from a different place and is going to a different place so finding a way that distills the essense of the problem: what keeps unsuccessful entrepreneurs underground is a challenging.

Found it. Successful CEOs don't confuse retail marketing for online marketing. Unsuccessful entrepreneurs THINK they don't. 

Successful CEOs know that the first level is a firm base. Unsuccessful ones think that all you have to do is "build it and they will come." This only holds true for retail-- not online. And this rule holds true most of the time.


If you were one of the first 500 apps in the iTunes App Store for the iPhone 1, Steve Jobs was willing to give you all of his loyal fans. Now, if you build an iPhone app, you get page 17 of any iTunes search. In retail, the moment you open your doors, there are people passing by your storefront. There are people going from here to there and they've got to cross your threshhold to get there.

That was true for Google and Yahoo when they both first started. Now, it's not true.

The most common thing we hear from new entrepreneurs is, "we want to start our marketing as soon as we launch." This means that they think their new app or website or blog or ecommerce store is a physical store that can start handing out coupons after their doors open. It's not. 


Your app or site or ecommerce store is an island. Can you afford

to feed it's inhabitants while you build a bridge to the mainland- or row?

Successful CEOs build the bridge first. They build a bridge to their island before moving citizens in. In your case, if you start marketing AFTER you've launched, you're paying for hosting, marketing, your time, and associated costs like phones and accounting etc while you're trying to build a base. 

They don't call it a fan base or customer base for nothing. 

It's your foundation. It's your basic. You can't build anything without first having a solid base.

How large is your email subscriber list? How many Facebook friends do you have? How many Likes? How many Pinterest and Twitter followers do you have? How much traffic does your website get right now? Remember, a retail storefront always gets traffic. Websites start at zero. 


Before you launch your product, you might want to start your marketing. It's what the most successful CEOs have always done. And the most successful of this group had their marketing started for them by their grandfather. Think Barron Hilton, Conrad Hilton and Paris.

Here's where we lose most of our readers: they ask, "how do we start our marketing without even having a product?" 

The answer is simpler than you think and surprising. It's in our next blog post. Get it by subscribing at http://sparkah.com/private 

Wouldn't it be nice to have a list of thousands of people's cell phone numbers and email addresses who are actively waiting for your product release?


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Youtube Marketing: How To Boost Your Sales by 351%


There's a heirchy of communication impact you might not know about. A hand written letter is more effective than a typed one. A phone call is more persuasive than a hand written letter. A face to face meeting is more persuasive than a phone call. And so on.


To raise your sales volume, just raise the communication bandwidth from email to face-to-face consultative sales meeting.

The only problem with this is that the higher you go in the communication impact pyramid, the more resources it requires. In otherwords, it's expensive in time and money to make a sale. This holds true like a set of laws written atop a mountain except for one odd loophole:



Video is almost as effective as a hand-shake lunch sales meeting but costs as much as an email to diseminate. Plus, video boasts these other factors you're just not going to get in any other form of communication:

1. The worlds second largest search engine in not Bing. It's Youtube.

2. You can actually demonstrate product use in detail.

3. You can study the precise time marker that people stop watching.

4. Google shows preference in search result rank to Youtube videos.

5. Video communicates on 3 modalities:

a. sight

b. sound

c. written form

You can't make a sale in any medium before you first establish rapport and earn credibility with your prospect. Video is the fastest way to get both prerequisites down solid. And this is how you structure a Youtube Video for Marketing, Sales, and Subscribers.

Old Spice, Will It Blend, and PSY's Gangnam Style show you how far you can go with video.

Advanced Google Adwords Marketing and Inbound Lead Building Strategies


Let's do the math here.

If you're using Google Adwords, you're using the Google budgeting tool and the traffic estimator. About 4 years ago, you could get the top spot in Google for most any keyword for under a dollar. Some keywords only cost pennies.

Now, it's a corporate budget world. 

Big companies are spending $3 - $15 per click throught on Adwords. Small businesses just can't compete with that. Well, unless they use a different strategy.

It costs $9,000 per DAY to Advertise with Adwords for "iPhone"

Moving forward with the math, on average, it takes about 800 unique visitors to any ecommerce store to generate one sale. And that's for well optimized sites. So lets round up to 1000 uniques per sale for your site if it's a tiny bit less optimized than Amazon or Gilt.

At that rate, you've spent $3,000 on the LOW END to generate one sale.

And that's about how much the mega corporations are spending today. So how do you compete with that? It's all in the conversion strategy. See Advanced Google Adwords Lead Building Strategies.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The #3 Biggest Facebook Like or Fan Page Growth Secret Is


The 3rd biggest secret to growing your Facebook fan or like numbers is actually the number 1 most effective way to grow your likers. The title was a lie. But nobody would believe a title that claimed to lead to a blog the #1 most powerful Facebook secret so, the new title. 

Ironically, this is the secret.

The title. 


Make your Facebook page title something people can relate to. People relate to people and human experiences-- not companies.

What is your Facebook page title? Is it "Seally Posturepedic?"

Who in their right mind would like a mattress company? Well, over 1 MILLION people liked a page called "Turning my pillow over to the cold side."

Face It. You're the Only One Who Likes Your Company

About 2 million liked a page entitled, "Sleeping in on Saturday morning."

You see where we're going with this? Make your Facebook page title an ASPECT of your product that your target market can relate to on a visceral, emotional, human level. You'll get hundreds of times more likes because face it, you're the only one who actually likes your company.

Everybody else loves the personal experience your company or product gives them.

Via more detailed video: Guerrilla Marketing: How to Grow Your Facebook Like and Fan Page Likers

The Elusive First Step in Launching Your Viral Marketing Campaign


Companies spend millions, no billions of dollars to try to duplicate the viral marketing effect. Small businesses invest thousands of dollars they can't afford hoping to go big. So what's the secret to making your guerrilla marketing go viral?

Here's the first step that everyone forgets: http://www.squidoo.com/dangerous-guerrilla-marketing-strategies

When you read it, you'll realize why it's so elusive.

Then, this discussion about the qualities your product needs to have in order to go viral will start to make a lot more strategic sense: Viral Marketing Formula.

These 4 DNA principles actually come from the real biotech world of virology and genetics. Your product must be engineered to go viral from the DNA up.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Advanced Google SEO: How To Select or Pick Your Keywords


Let's say, just for arguement's sake, that you don't sell what you sell. 

Let's say that you sell something else. And let's say that something is something that everybody needs or at least buys on a regular basis. OK. I got something in mind.

Now, let's say that you're in Koreatown and thousands of people per day ask your neighbors where you're located, "Herro, whehya isa Pranks Pass Poo?"

They will never find you if your syntax doesn't match theirs.

Almost daily, we have new clients telling us they want to be in google under the terms:

"endoscopic laparoscapy."


"superhydrophobic nanotech vacuum deposition"

We tell them, "No. what you want is,

boob job


water repellent spray."

Remember, the consumer doesn't speak your language. So then, how do you go about picking the right words to target in Google Adwords or Google Organic SEO?

1. Guest at a Keyword in Google.com

2. Put the Relevant Suggestions into Adwords Keyword Tool

3. Use the Adwords Traffic Estimator

4. Take the Keywords That Look Juiciest And Put them Back Into Google 

This shows you how much competition you have. If one keyword can bring you twice as much traffic but upon doing a Google search, you find that the other keyword has half the competitors, you know which way to go.

5. Use Google Trends To See Actual Searches Over Time.

6. Finally, Conduct Two A/B Split Tests for Both the Organic and Adsense Routes

This test will give you accurate long term ROI estimates and show you which route and which term fits your budget best.

If you want us to do it for you, contact us at http://sparkah.com/marketing


And The Biggest Secret of Marketing Is ...



And that momentum comes from your customer and market base. Building that base takes time. You can use people with experience and expertise to accellerate that time. You can also use marketing automation to shorten that time. But in the end, loyalty and support is something you earn-- over time.

(Loyalty X Support)

Power = ------------------------


The DNA and Formula of a Viral Marketing Campaign: PSY vs iPhone

There are only 4 factors that make any product or marketing go viral. 

In the case of a real virus, it's exactly the same.

1. The virus must first have the ability to replicate with low resistance. 

In other words, there must be a system in place that accellerates replication. In PSY's case, there was Youtube and everyone's camera phone.

In the case of the iPhone, there was Steve Jobs making sure everyone could get one.

Is your product easy to get? How fast is your delivery? Are you hiding your product behind walls of NDAs and Non-Competes and Patents? What is your patent / copyright standing? PSY's video is copyright-free. 

2. The virus must be extensible.

This one surprise people: The Viral Marketing Formula: The DNA of a Marketing Virus

All four factors are discussed in detail in the link above.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What Every New Startup Entrepreneur Should Know Before Entrepreneuring a Startup


People conspire, they lie, the cheat, and will do everything they can to destroy you. Be prepared to fight for your life. Even if you're a billionaire like Elon Musk who made Teslahttp://www.teslamotors.com/blog/most-peculiar-test-drive

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Men Only: How To Get Angel, VC and Seed Funding or Launch a Successful Kickstarter / Indiegogo


Ever wonder how he does it?

That guy. Your buddy. He gets phone numbers at bars, the Starbucks pick-up line, church (even though he's Jewish), and everywhere else he goes.

How does he do it?

If you use a three or more syllable word when there's an even better two syllable word...

Have you ever asked him directly? There are only two different responses you can get if you do:

1. You'll get the secret to his success (if he learned it from somewhere)

2. You'll get totally useless misleading advice (if he was born with it)


You see, there is only perspective that matters when you're trying to get digits-- the telephonic kind or the $1 million dollar venture capital seed funding kind: the pitchee's.

If you really want to know how your buddy scores all those digits, ask all the girls he asked. Both the ones who accepted and the few who rejected. You'll see a surprising pattern develop.

There are only 5 senses through which you can collect data. Women are 6th sensual at their ability to draw conclusions from the big data they collect from the first 5.

They look for whether the pitcher (you):

a. is a good listener

b. cares about her needs (both immediate and long term)

c. cares about her perspective

d. has the power to create desired conditions

e. can offer an exciting life experience

f. has a large support network (personal, family, business, societal)

g. can challenge her to grow (in a supportive environment)

h. is loyal

BONUS: respects her (time)!

Can women extrapolate answers to these extremely complex questions before you can even enter their personal space to say "hello?"


Within about 17 milliseconds, based on your posture, attire, hair, skin, eyes, stride, shoes, expression, friends you brought with you (or the friends that dragged you along), they can tell. Infact, they already scanned you when they first walked in.

Investors, business managers, publicists, and marketing people can too.

You can too.

All you need is the a-h rubrik above and one moment to look at yourself from the venture capital / angel funding firm's shoes.

Below are two different examples of the emails we get at Sparkah. The moment you see the two emails below, you'll get a feel for which of the two senders fits the above a-h criteria. Then, if you ever reread your own email from that perspective, you'll see why you got that phone call back or didn't-- ever.


Now, if you want us to write your website, brochure, or presentation for you, contact us at http://sparkah.com/shop ...

if you have zero budget, get free help in our writer's social network.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

X-Box Google TV Apple iTV Set Top Box Shelf that's Wall Mountable?


Guys, funny thing happened recently. You remember that set top box you got when you first installed cable? 

Yeah, the beighy looking thing that was almost the same color of your rotary dial phone. It sat on top of your TV SET. The weird thing is, now, there is no tv set.

So where do you put your XBox? Your NES? Your Apple iTV? Your Google TV?


I'm sure it's not going into your entertainment system. After all, your speakers are mounted in your ceiling and your tv is hanging from a thumb-tac on the wall. So where do you put that set-top box when there is no set?

We looked into this. 

We found a simple yet elegant solution made by a European Architect. It's Called the LLUM. And it even lights up at night via usb so you know where to aim your remote. You might want a couple. See X-Box Apple iTV Google TV Set Top Box Wall Mountable Shelf.


Negative SEO; How To Delete and Remove My Name Slander From Google


99% of anything ever written or said about some one else is going to
be negative. Have you ever heard a bunch of school kids spend an hour
talking praise about a friend of theirs? What about a group of house
wives spreading exhaultative rumors about a young second wife down the
street. Have you ever been in an old chronie board meeting where the
old-boys waxed lyrical about their competitor CEO?

People love talking shit.

Actually, (unhappy) people love talking shit. And the only people
spewing sewage from their minds online on some spam forum or blog at
1am at night are unhappy people. The happy people are out with friends
or having sex with their soul mate.


It happens to everybody. There are even hate groups against Tom Hanks.
This Christian NewsPaper did a story about Tom Hanks because he used
the "F-word."

Only problem with Google and the web is that now, trolling and
hate-speech fingerprints are permanent.

If you don't get a call back from a client, girl who gave your her
number, potential employer, guy who offered to take you out, or school
you're applying to, the weight of not knowing if they Googled your
name to find that hurtful comment or not can even keep you up at
night. Celebrities have commited suicide due to intense netizen

So, What Can You Do to Delete / Remove Your Name and Slander from Google?


1. Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google recommends you change your name in his
Wall Street Journal interview

2. If Your Name Is On a Page That You Can Comment on or Add Content
to, Add Spam.

A tell tale DNA hallmark of spam is keyword stuffing. In this case,
the keyword that people used to find that hate-speech page about you
is your name. Fill that page with your name over and over again. Make
that page so ugly that Google doesn't want to show it to it's users.
Remember, Google loves delivering clean content.

3. How Do You Damage a Page in Such a Way that the Admin or Moderators
Don't Delete You?

This is where creative writing comes into play. You've got an agenda.
But so do the moderators. They want controversy on their pages to keep
the traffic coming back. That is how they get paid by their
advertisers: views + clicks. You've got to frame your comments in a
way that looks spammy to Google but looks valuable to the website
owner. It takes experience to know how to do this part.


(above: now you know what page two of Google looks like)
4. Nobody Goes to Page 2 of Google. Nobody. So, Do Google SEO on 10 Other Links

This is a sure fire way to get the job done. You don't have to remove
your name from Google. You just have to remove your name and the
slander from the Google that everyone knows: Google Page one.

There are only 10 spots in the top 10 spots in Google. Fill them with
all the other links that are below the putrid page in question. This
generally requires an SEO expert. See: Google SEO strategies.

5. Get 45 Different Bloggers to Link to That Slander Page (that comes
up in Google for your name) Using the Link Keyword, "SPAM."

This generally tells Google that the page is spam. But you've got to
convince Google that you're not doing a "content bomb." That requires
thoughtful and experienced writing.

6. If It's a Discussion Forum Page, Add a Link to A Photo From a Super
Slow Server

This is the fastest way to get a page torn down from Google's page
one. Google hates slow urls. It makes them look bad. So, if it's a
forum, just start a new account and post a large photo up from a very
slow server. Google will drop you like a hot stinky potato.


7. Register AS The Irate Bad Mouther If You Can

In the case that the negative press about you is on a blog or forum,
you can register and join the conversation. Don't do it as yourself.
Do NOT. You'll end up defending yourself and there's nothing bottom
feeding crill eaters like more than a fight under the cloak of
anonymity. Register as the user who is the most vocal. Use his name.

Then continue to say horrible things about you. But do so in a way
that makes you (him) look a pathetic as he really is. Misspell words.
Curse. And generally sound like an idiot.

We've all seen A Few Good Men.


8. Add mispellings, poor grammar, and explicit content to that page.

If you can add comments, do the above. Google will filter it out.


(above: hostile takeovers only require 51%)
9. Buy the Website.

You'd be surprised how cheap most people will sell their websites come

a. tax time.

b. vacation time.

c. when they have a life crisis

10. There's one more thing us professional Google PR Consultants do.
it's the most effective technique. For that last item, you gotta be a

BONUS: If You Want Us To Do it For You, Just Contact Us.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Adwords Consultant: Conversion Rate and Sales Volume Sucks: The #1 ROI Secret Is...

Have you ever read your own tweets, adwords headline, website copy, brochure?
Sure you have. Now, forget everything about you and what you know. In fact, forget who you are and then re-read that same copy you spent thousands of dollars to push out into the world. How would it sound?
1. Nobody knows you
(if you're trying to capture new marketshare)
2. Everybody already gets everything they need
(from somebody else they already know and trust)
3. Everybody already has an agenda
(nobody sits there thinking, "I wish someone would find me and sell me something better than this thing I'm using right now.") Actually, #3 is wrong. Here's why: ADVANCED Social Media Marketing
"Check This Out!"
(what is this, a Library?!) 
Now, observe yourself.
How many websites do you read on a daily basis that you NEVER sign up for. Why is that? How many products do you get exposed to that you never get the urge to buy? Why is that?
More importantly, how do you overcome that apathy when you present and sell your product, service, app, ebook, or self?

Productivity Tip: Bookmark Gmail Email By URL

Oddly, most of the time, when i use Gmail, I use it in a way that I just wouldn't. Honestly, Microsoft Outlook was more user friendly most of the time. 

In Gmail, I have to search for every email I need to get back to. 

Sure, Google does a PERFECT job of finding what I'm searching for. But it's still a pain in the ass compared to just clicking a single link like you would in Outlook or on a Bookmark. Part of my problem is that my gmail inbox stream moves so quickly. So what's the solution?

If you're trying to create a database or spreadsheet that references an email that's live and in your inbox, you're going to need this solution all the more.

This is how you bookmark and extract the unique URL for any Gmail Email.

Step One: Download "Quick Link" in Gmail Apps.]

Step Two: Open the gmail you want to bookmark

Step Three: Click Add Quick Link. Done.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Adwords Consultants London & LA: Top 100 Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Consultants

Adwords Consultant London Asks:

I'm going to get political here. There's no way around it.
Whenever a team wanted to defend themselves from a massive force one hundred times more powerful and numerous than they were, there was only one way to succeed and thrive. They had to use what Che Guevarra called "guerrilla warfare."
2,500 years before, Sun Tzu wrote what became Che Guevarra's source material in his State Secret Military Manifest called, "The Art of War."
Today, the rules of engagement are exactly the same.
Then, to get the message out, print publications and catalogs at Japan Printing.
The only circumstantial differences are, instead of flying arrows or bullets, you've got nuclear content. Thoughts, messages, opinions, photos, and videos all proliferate at viral speed and scale. I didn't do the research to find out who coined the term for this slight shift: "guerrilla marketing," but it's right-on.

To survive marketing campaigns by multinational corporate brands, no, to thrive in today's 2.0 landscape, you're going to need the expertise of a General who knows Sun Tzu's 3 part secret of Guerrilla warfare, "know yourself, know your enemy, know your landscape."
Facebook's privacy policy and advertiser options change daily. Google's algorithm changes almost daily. Twitter changes their API with no warning. Pinterest skyrocketed into top contender position before most anyone even heard of it.
You're going to need to know the professionals who can get you in front of thousands of your potential customers, users, and subscribers before the big fortune 500 companies know what hit them. This might help:
The Top 100 Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Firms 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Guerrilla Marketing Automation: Don't Use Marketing Software Because You'll Get Banned


Major corporations have 25 Columbia and NYU journalism grads working on their social media accounts from Facebook to Twitter to Pinterest over 2 shifts-- every day.

To compete with them and build your business, you need an unfair advantage. The most unfair advantage you can use is Social Media Marketing Automation Software. But the trouble is, you risk having your accounts banned and losing all the followers you've build painstakingly.

I've spent 5 years building up my youtube channel on viral marketing and my guerrilla marketing secrets email list/database. Both can be banned and deleted at any time if I violate either social media network's Terms of Service or TOS.


I can't afford for that to happen.

You know what the #1 cause of being banned or blocked is? Using marketing automation software.

If you make a mistake in your marketing by hand, you can only make that mistake a few times a day before you get a warning. If you use software, you can make that mistake a thousand times a day and never even notice that you blew past 2 warnings and got banned.


The Solution: Social Media Marketing Automation Scripting

This is why I use a script. If you use scripting, you're not manipulating Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, of Pinterest. The script manipulates your mouse and keyboard instead of you.

Basically, scripts mimic you.

So, there's no way for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, or Any other SNS to know that you're using software. This is what I mean: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdyKoFZVeJEVR0jcw3RtTx1XFakoYnvFe

You stay in 100% control. Your usage is totally unique and doesn't follow anybody else's patterns. It's the perfect unfair advantage.

Van and Man London: Hire The Most Responsible and Respectful Company I Know


There are hundreds of Van and Man Hire Relocation Services in London. If you pick the wrong one, everything that you imagine that can go wrong generally does. 

This is why I want to personally recommend David at VanAndMan24-7.co.uk. 

He is the most ethical, responsible, respectful business person I've met in any industry in years. The story as to why I can make that big statement is in the Youtube testimonial I made for him above. If you're going to relocate, transport, or deliver anything of value, you want a man like him to do it for you.

There's a saying that you can tell a good fruit tree from the first green leaf. Well, David at VanAndMan24-7 has a lot of good leaves. He's someone you're going to want to rely on time and time again. 

I recommend him.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Van and Man London: Hire A Professional Moving Company


Professional Relocation Services by Van and Man London.

Moving is stressful. Even trees get root shock when replanted. You do too.

What I hate most is handing over my precious electronics, furniture, and wardrobe to people who throw it around because they have no respect for the things it took me years to acquire.

Well, I'm happy to introduce to you David with Van and Man London ... I've worked with him recently. And he's reliable, keeps his promises, and his attention to detail is impeccable. 

I recommend him for your relation needs whether they are professional, personal family, or corporate, you're in good company with David. Tell him Bob referred you. He is the Van and Man to Hire in London, Glasgow and NYC.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Craigslist Email Extractor and Spider To Send Mass Emails In Bulk

The job market out there is tough. When you're competing against guys that just got their Master's degree and other guys who are willing to work for less than half of what you need to survive, you're running up a steep incline that's got grease on it.

You need an unfair advantage.

Well, before we even talk about that unfair advantage, let's nail down the best practices for getting clients, a new job or a promotion first. Without these, a turbo boost button is just going to get you into a deeper hole even faster.


Best Practices for Getting Hired and Getting Clients:

1. Spend $50 and put your own phantom craigslist help wanted ad up first.

You gotta be able to see your competition. This is how. 

2. Review your competing job / client seekers resumes and cover letters. 

You'll notice gaping flaws in their presentation that you have going on on yours. For example, the first mistake HR directors tell me about is that nowhere on the coverletter do you state how you might benefit the company you're applying to. Yep. Most people start with:

"objective: to work for a company that is fullfilling [TO ME] and offers [ME] an environment where I can grow and learn."

Stop being narciscistic. Sell!

3. Make looking for a job your job.

Start at 7am in the morning and keep looking til 7pm. But that's not even enough. So this is where your secret weapon comes in. 

A) Pull 500 Email Addresses From Craigslist Daily Using A Spider Extractor 

B) Automatically Email 500 (maximum number of emails you can send from GMail) Companies From Gmail 


What if I don't want a Job? What if I want Clients?

Email every company looking for an employee that's doing what you do freelance. Nobody wants the pain and hassle of a new employee. You'll easily convince them to outsource instead of hire.

Now, all you need is to know how to use marketing automation. See http://sparkah.com/shop

Dangerous Social Networking and Social Media Tips: