Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Marketing Manufacturing and B2B Companies in Korea

We got a great new question from one of our readers: Automation Machine. They are a website that serves as a B2B manufacturers' agent and distributor. That means they would distribute machine components for manufacturing and factories like press parts, pharmaceutical supplies, and other goods that are consumable.

So how do we help you if your business is like them?

Well, most important is building a target list.

Sure you can do search marketing and pay per click but that becomes extremely expensive if you're having to pay for a renewed relationship with the same person everytime they do a click.

So if you manufacture plastic parts, you need to build a list of procurement officers who buy plastics. Sound simple, right? It's not.

Even if you collect all their email addresses, what's their read or open rate? It's super low. So what do you do instead, instead of doing annoying advertising, start using remarketing. It reminds people of you until they need you. It works like a charm.


Dangerous Social Networking and Social Media Tips: