Friday, August 12, 2016

Protip: Rentals for Stands, Speakers, Lenses, Generators, Displays for Advertising Production

Have you noticed that your Youtube channel just isn't getting the same CTR it used to when you created your marketing channel? Well, every marketing and advertising channel is dying on the vine. Why?
The answer is simple. As web 2.0 matures, breakaway leaders are taking users away with them. So where a digital ad agency used to be able to drive millions of viral viewers your way a few years ago, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat is dominating all that traffic now.
But they didn't ruin the web. Trolls did.
Good nice people trusted their daily lives and locations to Twitter, Foursquare, Myspace, and more. Then the stalkers and trolls took over. So now, users are moving to more secure private spaces like Snapchat and Facebook.
So to reach them, you've not only got to pay the piper, you've got to step up your production value. That means investing in professional video production. That, in turn, means hiring professional cinematographers.

How Do I Hire a Professional Digital Ad Agency?

This is the time to take an intelligent leap of faith. When you hire a digital agency on your own, you have nothing but your own perspective to lean on. So this is what we recommend:
1. Hire a Film Production Rental Company.
2. Rent their Cameras, Set, Stands, Generators, Speakers and more.
3. Ask them to refer you to a Creative Agency that they LOVE.

Think about it. Who would know which creative digital agency is best than the people who've already worked with them?
When you do, you gain the advantage of knowing which agency is better than Accenture, Arri, Ogilvy, Omnicom, and all the rest.

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