Sunday, March 31, 2013

Man With a Van Service London is Recommended By Sparkah Strategic

It's funny. You call it a boot. I call it a trunk. You call it a moving company. We call it a man with a van in London. What ever you decide to call it, if you need relocation services in any major city including Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago, New York City, London, Edinburg, Glasgow, Brisbane, Hong Kong or Seoul, we can help.


The key things to remember are that you're moving valuables. When you move valuables, the people you chose to do the transportation for you must be as cautious and considerate as you would when moving yourself. That's why Sparkah recommends ... It's headed up by Niroshan David who is probably the most meticulous person we've met in a long while.

If he handles your belongings as precisely as he manages your account, you'll have nothing to worry about. Well, that is, except where to put the dresser! Oh, and yes, you'll have to worry about where to put your set-top boxes as there is no more TV set top.

In any case, that's how you'd go and pick the right moving company whether you call them relocation services, man with a van services, or a moving company. It's all about atention to detail.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How to Succeed at Blogging By Making Your Blogger Life Rewarding


I would guess that more than 99% of all blogs started never last for more than 30 days or get more than 10 blog posts. Those that do continue to grow, grow because they produce results for you, the blogger.

Within that top 1% are the bloggers who blog religiously. They do it because their blog produces results-- divinely. What are they doing that you're not? What's the difference?

Whether your goals for blogging are personal or professional, the metrics for success and the strategies for achieving it are the same. And here they are:

1. Get More Comments.

Comments are the biggest source of traffic for most successful bloggers. They feel rewarding.

Comments generate even more traffic than Google, especially in the short run. Techcrunch had a major troll problem so they went to Facebook comments to get rid of anonymous commenting. Their comment numbers plummetted. So did their page views. Apparently, people that like to throw around verbal garbage like to do so anonymously. Surprisingly, what surprised them the most was that their advertising revenues nosedove too. They charge their advertisers on CPC (cost per click) and CPM (cost per thousand impressions). So they dropped Facebook comments.

A) To get more comments, don't censor.

Inflamatory people are like a train wreck. They cause rubber-necking. And in blogging, that's a very good thing.

B) Next, comment in the biggest blogs to drag their traffic over to yours.

There's an art to this. Nobody likes when their hard earned traffic is syphoned away from them. Smart moderators will delete any comment that does that. So make it unfavorable to delete your comments. Leave a comment that both brings value to that blog (stats, insights, three additional "ways to" for their top ten ways to post). Then, close your comment by appologizing for rambling and leave a link to your blog post that continues to ramble.

Leave a comment in big blogs that are even more sly than my example.

C) Ask itchy questions in your blog post.

Leading the witness is only banned in a court of law. On your blog, lead, lead, lead.

2. Get Google To Rank You On Page One.

It always feels rewarding to see that very first referral click from a Google search. It feels even more rewarding when you're still getting 750 unique people per day clicking on your blog post three years later. This is how you do that:

A. Mention lots of Names

Bloggers and PR departments all over the world have Google Alerts set up for their executives' names and their product names. If you include a lot of these names, your blog post will get caught up in a lot of their filters. You'll get noticed and if they like what you're saying, they will link to you.

Do this with government agencies and universities. Getting a link from a .gov or .edu website vaults you to near wikipedia credibility status and rank.

B. Physically tweet, email, call other bloggers and ask for a referral link.

Just tell them that you're going to add a "for more information" link to their blog. Then tell them that you'd love if they did the same. Continue till you find bloggers that do.

C. Do a press release about your blog post.

Seriously. I don't know wny bloggers don't do this. It's literally the best $50 to $5,000 you're ever going to spend. You might be thinking that press releases are only for corporations or new product launches. Balderdash! People who throw their kids' barmitzvas do press releases about their kids' barmitzvas. PhDs do press releases about their thesis (is that the plurl form too?) . Do a press release. You'll instantly get masses of links if your release is done right.

Even on the higher end, if you spend $5,000 and that rewards you with a client that pays you $5,000 a month, it was worth it.

D. Learn Google SEO

There are 25 more key factors to know about how Google picks who they put on page one. Most professionals don't know more than 5 of those factors. You might also want to learn about the three most important Google SEO factors nobody realizes.

3. Get Rewarded More and More Frequently

Success breeds success. You'll get addicted to success. It's like crack (according to some reports I've read). Just one little taste and you're hooked. This is how you get rewarded more.

A) Clearly identify your goal and measure daily

If your goal is just traffic, make that clear in your mind by starting a spreadsheet that shows your traffic : word count : social media stats. You do it with your calories, weight, bank account, and blood pressure. So do it with your blog. It's a living breathing entity too.

B. Segmentize your conversion metric (take baby steps)

In other words, if you're waiting for your first big sale from your blog, you'll likely get disheartened and quit-- just like the 99.9% out there. Instead, realize that it takes:

500 random viewers to get 1 email address

50 emails to the same person to get 1 phone conversation

3 phone conversations to get one client or sale. 

Meter your metrics. Do a micro celebration everytime you get 500 more unique blog views. See if that generated a single new email subscriber. Do a mini celebration every time you send out another 50 blog announcement emails. Did you get one of your subscribers to call you for consulting or to ask about your products? Celebrate every third phone call you get because that means that your blog just got you paid.

C. Innovate and bring all the numbers down by 50%

Can you get 1 email subscriber per every 10 readers? Try it. Learn direct response copy writing.

BONUS: Build blogging alliances at major trade shows

Sure, you can message and tweet bloggers all day long, any day. Trouble is, they are always in the middle of doing something more important than talking to a stranger-- except during a trade show. They are in networking mode. Get to know the biggest events happening in your industry. Start with for Trade Show Events, Displays, and Exhibit News


Robert Wan is the VP of Business Strategy at Sparkah Consulting LLC. His marketing tips and discoveries are all at and his guerrilla marketing strategies google+

How To Get More Clients and Customers by Blogging and Find Inspiration against Writer's Block

Have you ever wondered why anybody blogs?

You may not have noticed any ads, the blog may not even talk about anything commercial. So who do they do it?

Because it's profitable.

Blogging is profitable from two perspectives. First, it saves you time. Blogging the answers to the most common questions you get creates a system by which you can quality control the answers your customers and prospects get. This is ideal if you've got a customer support staff or a sales team. All they have to do is send a link to the answer that the most experienced CSR or Account Exec wrote.

Blogging also reduces your HR training time. You can see how that directly adds to your bottom line.

The big question on everyone's mind is, "then, how do I get blogging to add to the TOP LINE?" How does blogging generate revenues from my company.

The answer is surprising to most executives.

Back in feudal Japan, martial arts masters got clients by publicly demonstrating their skill. They'd break up a gang fight. The onlookers would be impressed by the demonstration. A large portion of the observers would become dojo customers.

Use your blog to solve problems for your target market.

Solve them well. 

For example, if you sell low calorie carrot cake, post your recipe online. Information is now a commodity. Your readers will Google for you and find you because they want a low calorie carrot cake. You will engender good will from them. They will have a decision to make: "should I spend 4 hours baking or should I just drive 30 minutes to buy."

If you're a cosmetic surgeon, blog. Blog about how to make your nose look better with makeup, diet, a skin care regimen, hair style, and maybe even how to pick the right plastic surgeon. People will find you in Google and in Facebook and Twitter too. You will engender good will from them. They will have a decision to make: "should I keep up this regimen my whole life or should I just get a nosejob."

If you ever get writer's block or want inspiration to blog, just look in your sent mail. Blog the answers to customers you write most often.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Writer's Block: How To Find Inspiration to Blog: What Should I Blog About Next?

Hi Cheryl,

Thanks for the kind words...

The way I blog is to simply post answers to the most common questions my clients ask me.

1. That way, i never have to repeat myself. I just send them the link! =)

2. Other NON clients who have the same questions type it into google and find my answer. Then contact me to work for them because I gave them confidence in my capabilities.

Not sure if that helps but Blogging has gotten me amazing clients and new relationships... AND saved me tons of time.

Hope that helps!

PS... I'm going to write a blog about THIS now =)

If you're on Google+ let's talk about your blog at -- Marketing Strategies+

Robert Wan,
Web Business Growth Strategies
310 598 1606

Posterous Closed: How to Fix Broken Links and Picture or img Links Automatically

Posterous Closed: How to Fix All Your Dead Links and Images

I know you're here because you're pissed off.

If your blog has any dead links and any dead images or pictures, Google will immediately drop you. If you're like me, you can't, you won't afford for that to happen.

But posterous is shutting down and there are three different links that point back to posterous servers even if you thought you were done cleaning up because you used autopost to wordpress, blogger, squarespace, or tumblr:

1. When you autopost, there's a tiny link at the bottom of each blog that says "autoposted via" and it links to your soon to be dead posterous blog.

2. Then there's images and videos that you directly uploaded to Posterous. All your <embed> and <img> links will break

3. Finally, there are photos you uploaded as a slideshow. There will be a link under any series of photos or images saying, "see full gallery at"

All these links will die. I put about 3 images in each blog and I've got about 300 blog posts. So that means I will have 1,000 dead image links and about 500 dead hyper links.

I'm going to post two solutions for you here:

1. I am currently researching HOW to autoreplace all my posterous image links. I do NOT have a solution YET.

2. Meanwhile, so that I ATLEAST don't lose what's most important to me: my Google ranking, I have a patch I can share with you now: Replace all your "" tags: <a href=""> and <img src="" using RegEx to 

"<a rel=..." and "<cite title=..."

Atleast that way, Google doesn't see any dead links or images while I figure out how to actually make the images show back up.

If you want to stay in touch with me for my next hack and guerrilla marketing strategy, just drop your email at And check back here as I will be updating this page.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

How To Double Your Sales and Users in 72 Hours by Direct Response Copy Writer


How many people do you have to drive to your shopping cart or registration page before one of them does what you want them to?

If you don't know that number, go straight to jail, do not collect $200.

BASICS: Track Metrics and Track the Metrics That Actually Predict Sales

For those of you who do treat your business like a business, you're probably using Google Analytics. Don't. Use a user tracker instead of a traffic tracker. There's a huge difference.

1. In a retail store, you can directly watch passers by pass by and see what they saw before 

A. they walked into your store

B. looked back in the direction they were going

2. In a retail store, you can see what isle or rack people gravitate toward before they

A. bring an item to your point of sale

B. return the item to your point of purchase and do 1B.

Using Google analytics to track your conversion rates is like just counting the number of "ding-dongs" from the infrared walk-in sensor-- and ONLY that. You might disagree and say that Google Analytics can do that. But it can't. The most important part of user flow tracking metrics is:

A. counting the number of people who purchased upon first visit.

B. counting how many visits it took before each visitor purchased.

This is the most important thing you need to track. If you're tracking everything BUT this, collect $200, but still, go to jail.

ADVANCED: How to Make Twice as Many 'First Visitors' Buy


Now that you're tracking data that actually matters, you've got to get more people to buy on their first visit. Most people will slip out of your drag net. So you've also got to get the people who didn't buy to come back and purchase with fewer and fewer 'come backs.'

There are only two factors in making this possible.

1. Visitor targeting.

The better you do you marketing, the sharper you'll be able to target people who are actually likely to buy from you. You don't need freeloaders. You don't need lookie-loos. You don't need fremium leeches. You need customers.

In a Harvard MBA course, the class was asked, "if you had  to sell Bibles," who would you sell it to? The responded with Buddhists, atheists, people in crisis, etc. The professor said, "I would sell to people who already had several bibles. They have a behavior pattern of buying bibles."

Online, you can do the same thing.

Isolate people who talk about and already buy the products and services you sell. We at sparkah have over a hundred thousand twitter and facebook addresses of people who said they purchase XYZs and ABCs. Do you?

2. Direct response copy writing.

You can train two different salesmen. One will outsell the other every day of the week. It's not just what they say, it's how they say it. Your website shopping cart or register page or download page IS your salesman. How well written is that page? How often do you change the copy and remeasure your conversion rate? 

If you haven't rewritten and measured conversion rates on your website for months, send it to us and we will see if we can double your buyers in 72 hours. Use ... In Europe, use (we've written for Forbes, Fast Company, ESPN, etc...)

You might also want to read about Google SEO for eCommerce Stores. Then, click to read about Google SEO secrets

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Google Glass Developers Learning Mirror API Will Boom. Your First App Will Too


Most of the world didn't know what was going on at WWDC 1. Steve was going to change the world and most people were still trying to program their VCRs. 

Now, there's a collective sigh from the millions who only recently tried to build an app for the iPhone to realise that the App Store is crowded with dozens of apps that do exactly the same thing yours does. Now, to get any marketshare and build a user base, you're going to need a corporate scale marketing budget. You're going to need to bank on reaching your target user base 7 to 12 times over the course of months to finally convince them to go out of their way to download your free version.

Same goes with Android app development now. There was a window of opportunity when the G1 first came out on Android but most developers were too busy trying to play Itunes catch-up to go the lonely route of being one of the first and only apps in the Android Market.


Well, Google Glass is your new golden ticket.

Glass can listen, record video, take photos, overlay map and gps data in your field of vision, and it can browse the web for you. 

Based on these broad base capabilities, what can you envision? How quickly can you get it built? If you need help building your first, everybody's first Google Glass app, contact us:

Facebook Marketing Strategies: How To Show All Updates from Like Pages Liker's / Friends On Feed

Have you noticed on your own Facebook that there are people you KNOW you friended but they never show up in your feed? You may have just figured they were too busy and evolved to use Facebook any more. Well, you figured wrong. They use Facebook all the time and update like like your X's wardrobe. 

Sadly, your customers and fans may have thought the same thing about you because they never see the umpteen updates you post either.

Yep. Facebook hides 87% of your posts.

Why? 1. They want you to "pay to promote all your updates."

2. That's how they make money.

3. Money.

So, is there a way around this? Well, it wouldn't be a worthy blog post if there wasn't a hack. Tricky part is that your updates are going to have to be pretty damn interesting because you're going to have to convince your likers and friends to do this: How to Show All Updates from My Like/Fan Page to My Likers and Friends.

Continued: Social Media Marketing Strategies.

Top Magento Programmers and Designers to Hire On Earth 2013 by Adwords Consultant

A 41 year old guy recently predicted the death of retail. His name is Marc Andreessen. He's a multimillionaire who sits on the board of directors of HP, eBay, and Facebook. He also invested heavily in a few companies when they were tiny: Twitter, Google, and Pinterest.
He probably knows what he's talking about.
But if you're in retail, You do too. - By Adwords Consultant LA and London

You're not surprised by the fact that all the huge flagship haute couture stores on 5th Ave, NYC and Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills don't turn a profit. In fact, these huge stores in major fashion meccas are just there for marketing and branding presence. They are there to (functionally) remind you to go online and order.
eCommerce websites create profit.
So you're going need to know a few people who are cracker-jacks at creating the eCommerce websites that create your profit. In a world where retail shopping malls are being converted into apartment communities and breeding grounds for mall-walkers (seriously, look this one up), You're going to need a list of...
The Top 100 Magento Programmers/Developers and Designers To Hire 2013
by Robert Wan, VP Business Strategy, Sparkah LLC. His lists have appeared in Forbes and Fast Company. He also wrote: iPhone App Programmers and Developers Reveal...
#Magento Design, Development and Consulting. Magento Solution Partner company, certified Magento developers.
Flexible eCommerce solutions, a vibrant extensions marketplace and an open global ecosystem
#eCommerce UX Design, Magento Developer & Sysadmin, Marketing online SEO/SEM/CRO, Digital Analytics, Webperf & security. Internet Business at @einnova
Co-Founder/CEO, Magento (acquired by eBay). Currently COO at eBay's Magento/X.commerce division. Based in sunny Los Angeles, CA. Views expressed are my own.
Magento Connect - The marketplace for Magento extensions. Follow us for community updates and new announcements.
Hero-in-chief at web agency @wearejh in Nottingham, former freelance developer, author of Magento Developer's Guide and co-organiser of @secondwednesday
CEO/ViSalus, #Entrepreneur, Angel Investor, #1 New York Times international bestseller NOTHING TO LOSE, EVERYTHING TO GAIN
Zend PHP5 Certified Engineer, Magento Moderator with specialization in CMS + E-Commerce Solutions.
Co-Founder & CTO MageCore Inc. (Co-Founder & ex CTO of Magento)
Ask your Magento question in 140 characters or less. Community powered!
Magento Developer & Managing Director at @Meanbee.
Magento Developer building webstores and extensions. Creator of - what's your rating?
Magento developer, iPhone wanker. Catch lots of trains and Snowboard the rest of the time. iMessage
Certified Magento Developer / Technical Director at @meanbee. @UniofBath alumni. Resident of Bath. Welsh.
Creator of Commerce Bug, author of No Frills Magento Layout. I help programmers have fewer crap days.
Magento Dude
Rockin' Magento Developers.
CM @sweettooth, @magento Moderator + @myCMGR #CMOTD curator. I'm an ENFP, a little quirky and a little spunky. 
@iopflygirl husband, @blueacorn employee, #MagentoU instructor, @Magento Certified Developer Plus
Collins Harper is a Vancouver based business development firm with expertise in Magento Development.
Magento Evangelist & Moderator at, Runner, wanna be Skijorer. Marmite eater! mian leo maireachtáil in Éirinn arís
@Magento Developer
Yireo - Extensions and guides for Joomla! and Magento developers
Magento Mobile makes it easy and cost effective for leading retailers to engage their customers on mobile devices.
Passionate about Magento and everything related to development and design, soccer player, LA Galaxy fan
Magento Development and Magento Design company. We are professional Magento Developers and official Magento Partners.
Magento Development Help and Tips
MDI – Your one stop solutions for Magento Development. we offer Magento Design, Magento Ecommerce Store Development, shopping cart Store development,

The official Twitter account of Expert Magento Developers- a leading provider of #Magento Services and other #ebusiness Solutions.
Approved Magento Partner since 2009 offering Custom Magento Development and Extensions Development Outsourcing Services
He is a techie Magento developer with a Magento development company. He's got an effective practical knowledge of 9 years.
Love Building Commerce Companies | Enable others Success | xPresident Magento | Board Good360 | Founder | Speaker | Hubby, Dad |
High quality Magento eCommerce web development, support, maintenance and training services at an affordable cost.
The World’s Fastest Growing eCommerce Platform.
Magento's Premiere Worldwide eCommerce Conference bringing Merchants & Technology Partners together in an engaging & exciting environment.
Saving the world, one newly trained/certified Magento developer at a time. Join the Magento Ecosystem!
Ecommerce Developer is an independent online journal for ecommerce web developers and designers. It focuses on developer strategies, tips, how-tos, and news.
Founder of Taecho Group. We build web apps, tools and websites. Published author.
Magento extensions; Magento customizations; Web development; phpFoX.
MagentoDevelop is a leading Magento solution provider.
Magento Tutorials, Tips and Extensions - For Developers by Developers

Official handle for the PayPal North America Developer Network. Developer news and tips, PayPal developer info, conference info and more!

We create beautiful Magento Themes...
I optimize websites for speed, SEO & conversion, often using my WordPress plugins. I blog, train & speak in public about this. Live in NL with wife and 3 kids. - Business WordPress Typo3 Magento SEO Private Linux Cloud VPS Web Hosting Design Social Media Strategy Internet -
Developer, Sysadmin, IOS, Magento, Wordpress, Mobile
Open Source E-Commerce Dude, Web Architect, Swiss Magento Community Moderator and Chief Happiness Officer @Openstream
Professional Template and Theme provider. 150+ (Joomla templates & Magento themes). 280,000+ members; 11,000,000+ downloads;11,000+ FB fans; 5,800+ Tw followers
My Magento services includes:-Magento Customization-Magento Extension Development-Magento Consultancy-Magento Data Migration-PSD to Magento
Occasional tweets on Magento and extension development from Kristof, the guy behind Fooman.
UX & UI, Magento, Drupal

Let us help you think differently.We are Magento E-commerce solution development company based in Lithuania (Eastern Europe).
Our agency is introducing intelligence to eCommerce design, development, marketing, and conversion optimization.
Vice President, Business Development, Magento
Australia No.1 Magento Hosting and Development Agency.
Strategic Partnerships - Shopping Team @Google. Previously built products for @Magento and @MySpace International.
Magento: Possibly the best eCommerce platform on the market ...
A @Magento Evangelist (an eBay company) - Founder @MinopoHQ. Hubby. Father. Personal Twitter account. Tweets are my own.
Tutorials, articles, tips, and community for web developers.
Chief of Staff @ Magento, an eBay Co
Enabling the Future of Commerce
Creative Director at Zuno Studios. We build interactive brands and websites. Los Angeles User Interface Design.
We help enterprise customers develop & improve their ecommerce operations using open source software, #Magento. Tweets from @rbgArts & @DarrylAdie.
Creative digital agency with a passion for Ecommerce (curated by @fadi)
DAS Großevent für die Magento Commerce Community Deutschland
MD of CTI a Technical Web Development Agency with a team of 34 (27 developers). Specialist in Magento, Drupal and Grails. Other Agencies use us for a reason
Web Design & Development,PHP,Joomla,Wordpress, Magento, ASP.NET,SEO,PPC,Ecommerce Solutions & Web 2.0 Application Development Company in India,USA,Australia,UK.
Showcasing The Best Magento Design and Development
David & James's blog about Magento Templates & Themes. We develop Free Magento Templates for the Community & for coin, moola & fungolas.
Team of hot, professional, ambitious developers driven by passion!
Designing eCommerce stores based on Magento™, our each Magento designer and developer is commited to creating beautiful Magento solutions.
Passionate PHP Developer, Magento Search Extension - Blast Search Lucene
Enjoying Magento! CEO @ShopGoMe. الشعب يريد
Zend Technologies - The PHP Company
Nicasio Design & Development, e-commerce solutions, hosting, SEO, social networking, and matching print work. Specializing in WordPress/ Wild Apricot/ Magento.
CEO, Jirafe Inc. [Analytics for Magento]

Magento Believers since 2007 // Sage Pay Partners // MailChimp Partners
100+ Free & paid Magento extensions & themes
Joomla! is a content management system helping both novice users and expert developers to create powerful websites and applications.
Interests: WordPress Theme and Plugin Design, Webdesign, Developing, Blogging, Martial Arts -
Guitar playing Marketing Technologist & Social Media nut. #Wordpress & #Magento advocate. @BeSeenMktg Director. I read Gogol, Tolstoy, Camus. You?
Comunidad de PHP con objetivo de difundir PHP con talleres, proyectos y conferencias en toda Latinoamerica
Google Webmaster Tools provides you with detailed reports about your pages' visibility on Google.
Insights on SEO, SEM, Web Design, Web Development, Ecommerce and all things Web Business.
Lead System Developer at @aoemedia
Official info on Cisco news, events and technology innovation with @urnhart, @lkniffin & @autumntruong. Questions? Check out our FAQ:
We develop cool extensions for the Joomla! CMS platform like K2, AllVideos, Simple Image Gallery, Frontpage Slideshow, SuperBlogger, K2mart and more...
Technical Assurance Manager @inviqa & @sessiondigital building interesting stuff with PHP, Ruby and a bit of Node.js, for fun, profit and distraction
WooThemes is a market leader in designing & developing beautiful, functional & customizable commercial themes & plugins for WordPress.
CTO @inchoo. Professional PHP & hobbyist C/Objective-C developer. Certified with ZCE / MCD / MCD+. Father, husband! Connect via LinkedIn
Web developer, husband, dad, christian. Living a Life with a Mission @lifewam. I make stuff at @growdevelopment. I'm also a WooNinja at @woothemes.
O Blog do E-Commerce reune artigos, tutoriais, cursos e notícias sobre comércio eletrônico e marketing digital. Um site completo para o varejo online.
Practical Ecommerce provides independent articles and advice to help smaller businesses succeed online. Sign up for newsletter.
Making Magento Sites Mobile! Consultant in New York City @redlightblink, Entrepreneur and Rock Star Mother of 2.
Senior Software Engineer, Magento 2.Magento, a division of X.Commerce, Inc (an eBay company)
Product Manager @ Magento/X.commerce
Publishing English Magento feeds here on Twitter. Maintained by @gxjansen
Magento Shipping Extension Specialists. Gold Industry Partners.
MailChimp is the best way to design, send, and share email newsletters. Email is serious business, which is why we never smile.
An international event that brings together the people who use, develop, design, support the Drupal platform. Tweet #DrupalCon
Born and living in Germany, doing in media... design programming magento
MooTools is a compact, modular, Object-Oriented JavaScript framework designed for the intermediate to advanced JavaScript developer.
Founder, Demac Media - Canada's Leading Magento Partner. Love me some eCommerce.
Big Magento Deals
Everything you need to create great digital experiences for every customer.
Former Magento Core Team Member -
Designer @CodePen. Writer @real_css_tricks. Podcaster @ShopTalkShow.Lead Hucklebucker.
CEO & Co-founder of Founder of buySAFE. Entrepreneur. Mobile & Internet Safety & Security. eCommerce. Economics. Wharton MBA.
Beetailer, an easy service to create your online store on Facebook. @Magento, @Shopify, @Magentogo, @Prestashop and native Facebook stores are supported.
Search Engine Optimize, Software development, web application, web design, logo design, offshore development
The Suit @ SUMO Heavy Industries Digital Commerce Agency
Design company in Peterborough specialising in Jigoshop, Magento, WordPress and Print Design.
Gorilla is the go-to ecommerce solutions provider for mid-size business. UX Design. Development. Strategy. Support. Tweets courtesy of team Gorilla. founder and CEO, iPhone/iPad/Android/PHP developer, Entreprenerd, Book Author. Loves movies and music.
Tattooed eccentric, front-end developer and Instagram hipster; James is co-owner of the design studio @simpleasmilk.
Founder of, and a few other companies. Questions:
Master Joomla developer and guru, Pastor's husband, dad, wanabe astronomer, Hans Zimmer fan
it is shocking how much open data will fix things
Lead Developer AppThat | Senior Developer ThinktankSocial | the guy | Online Solutions | A overall Geek tech-head
freelance web application developer in front- and backend, passionate about current and future web standards
This is the news feed for TechCrunch Europe. Main Writers: @mikebutcher, @IngridLunden, @riptari, @sohear
Drupal developer at @commerceguys. Currently at London, before that, Barcelona and Oviedo. I often organize Drupal community events. Traveler, geek, human.
Tracking Twitter Memes
Expert Magento solution provider company. We deliver powerful extensions which can seamlessly integrate with your system.
Cloudie, Sinophile, Designer, Developer, Doom-mongerer, Paulite, Pixel arranger, never owned an Apple product, co-founder of @MadeiraCloud
My name is Devin Olsen, I spend a good amount of my time working as a frontend web developer. Life is grand!
Entrepreneur, Webdesign, SEO, internet marketeer, Magento specialist, e-commerce expert, sports photographer & internet enthousiast
Sigsiu.NET has developed the directory component and content construction kit (CCK) SOBI for Joomla!
Offering innovative solutions for eCommerce, eBay, ChannelAdvisor, Magento, and
CEO en (we DO love Magento).
Co-Founder and CEO MageCore. Former VP of Worldwide Sales and Channel at Magento. Technology enthusiast, novice triathlete.
Web designer, specialising in blog design. Which I blog about. :)
Corporate Hippie ☮ My favorite color is green ♧ I'm a Virgo ♍ I love Cheerios, civic technology, HR & nonsense ❤ Today is the greatest day of my life
A fully hosted ecommerce shopping cart provider preferred by over 40,000 stores worldwide. Quickly and easily create a beautiful online store with Shopify.
We create primo themes for Wordpress, OpenCart, Magento and beyond!
Joomla tips & news. For more tips, Like us on Facebook:
Profession:- iPhone Apps- Android Apps- Mac OS X Apps- Zend PHP5 Certified Web and eCommerce Technocrat- Teacher/The Art of Living
The world's most customizable and flexible customer loyalty software.The next generation of loyalty is coming...
computer engineer, @pengostores, entrepreneur, pink floyd fan, ecommerce/magento passionate, ambitious.
Bargento is a international event around Magento.1000 attendees are awaited in printing Paris on May 29th in a prestigious place called CNIT.
Serial web entrepreneur and founder, eCommerce+cloud specialist, squash player, wakeboard driver, love traveling and working on new ideas.

MD at web agency @inigomedia - we design & build WordPress websites that don't look like WordPress websites.
Ganhe dinheiro criando aplicativos para o Buscapé Company! Acompanhe a fanpage no Facebook:
Defining and informing the complex field of user experience (UX) through frequent publication of high-quality articles for experts and newcomers alike.
Head of E-commerce at Animal, previously E-commerce & Digital Marketing Manager at Liz Earle Beauty. Co-founder of Living & working in Dorset.
Helping freelance, independent or home-based Web Designers & Developers find success in their business. 12+ years in the industry. Father to 3, Husband to 1
MobiCart is a simple way to build and manage your m-commerce store as a native or web app. Tweets by founder & CEO @wladimirbr
Buscapé Company. Startups, social commerce, thought open-source and addict by the ecommerce ecosystem!
Re-thinking eCommerce & Inbound Marketing for Premium Retailers @Mirabeau_nl and
Drupal themer, developer, evangelist & contributor | Photographer | Web Development / Design / CSS3 / HTML5 / JQuery | Mac  Fanboy
Somos apasionados por el eCommerce y nuestro objetivo es transformar el comercio electrónico en una experiencia que supere la compra offline.
Geek, designer, blogger, WordPress professional, developer of WP-Cumulus. and Terrible taste in movies and music.
A Digital Commerce Agency. We are experts in commerce who focus on converting interactions to transactions. Tweets by Ashley (AM), Nedret (NS), and Ali (AR).
Open Source Business Apps, including:CRM, Accounting, Project Management, HR, Procurement, Point of Sale, MRP, Marketing, etc.
28. Web Developer. I mix:
Software developer and toolmaker. PHP, As3 and Javascript addict. Creator of the code collective, where you can store your snippets for easy retrieval and reuse
Softweb Solutions Inc. is Chicago, IL based leading IT Consultant offering high-end software development, custom application development services and more.
PrestaShop is a FREE and Open-source e-commerce solution powering more than 130,000 online stores worldwide. Here is the official PrestaShop Twitter account!
Thrilled by the web in general, freelance consultant for commerce and marketing, author, speaker, ecomPunk and occasional ranter.
PHP information around the world
Joomla! Developer, Translator & Evangelizing -Linux enthusiast and popularizer -  userA full-time in Webempresa -
Mobilidade e Desenvolvimento em Java
Web Engineer, Consultant, Enthusiast, Geek. Former CTO at Startup addicted. Lives and works in Berlin. Sometimes somewhere else.
Co-founder of eWave Australia a full-service ecommerce agency that specialize in online strategy, Magento development,web design and mobile application.
Cognitive Psychologist, Magento Evangelist.
Finding news about #magento and RT them. By @gxjansen
Indian web development company with top skilled developers working in Magento, Joomla, Wordpress, Zencart, Flash,
Are you ready for The World’s Fastest Growing eCommerce Platform ? Contact The Magento Group for free consultation.
Front-end developer tips on the e-commerce platform Magento
We train the people who run Magento stores
Dude behind the Jonathan's Card pay-it-forward Starbucks thing. Author of Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JS.
I lead the Theme Team for the ever-awesome Automattic. I'm probably thinking about WordPress themes right this very minute.
Nederlandse Magento Community
A California Web Design Company Specializing in SEO Friendly Designs
The killingest Geek, Technology, Design and Social Media news blog out there!
Graduate of USC, Entrepreneur for 10 yrs,, Co-Founder of #BA75, I'm really into just being happy. Big fan of Caramel Macchiatos & Star Wars. #geek
SEO Expert, Website/Blog Developer & Online Marketing Professional Helping Online Businesses With The Right Solutions.
Certified #Magento Developer. Also loves #codeigniter #followback #teamFollowBack #follows
Magento developer, Php, Ruby, Sysadmin, Backend Languages and Learning iOS
WordPress Core Contributor, Magento Developer, CSS Guru, jQuery Fanatic, HTML5 Aficionado. I work on during the day.
Magento Developer & eCommerce Specialist.
Magento Developer
Magento development.
Founder of Anatta Design, a wordpress and magento development shop.We tackle user experience problems by creating products that fix them. We make the web easy.
Lead Magento Developer
Top Magento Developers!Make sure to 'Like' us on Facebook or drop us a line on Google+
LAMP - Certified Magento Developer +
CEO of ITABS, Certified Magento Developer
Founder and CEO at QubeSys Technologies Pvt. Ltd. - Joomla & Magento Developer - Professional Photographer - Car Fanatic - Apple Fanboy!
Certified Magento Developer
Ex-Affiliate Marketer, When it was easy. Now an Android & Magento Developer. Successfully avoiding a real job since 2007.
Magento development specialists. Got a Magento store? Want a Magento store? Get in touch! (Tweets via Ben Lessani)
UI / UX designer, mobile apps, WordPress & Magento developer
An award winning UK digital agency, experienced Drupal and Magento developers. UK offices in Cumbria and Oxfordshire.
I'm a full-time in-house Magento developer, at @DFsalesltd. I write over on @Meteorify. I also freelance, currently fully booked.
Tech addict, Magento developer, @Linux & @FreeBSD advocate. Web & LAMPP Developer
Magento Developer at Meanbee and Javascript Something-or-other
Coffee addict, Webdevelopment, Magento Developer @ Redkiwi, Scifi fan and allround nerd
Web-Developer / Magento Developer
Magento Developer at Pierce Communications
Certified #Magento Developer Plus, Lead Magento Developer @demacmedia Author of Magento `The Developers Guide` and all around technophile
Developer, author, musician, global domination theoretician. Works for @Magento where he only does two of those.
Web Guy, CTO, Magento Developer and Nerd. Some tweets business related, some tweets tomfoolery. Some in German. Some in English.
Certified Magento Developer. Software engineer living in Lyndhurst, OH. Enjoy wargaming and eurogaming. Favorite game is Warmachine.
Magento Developer and Co-Founder of integer_net
If you are looking for Magento developers or Designers - write me to
Magento Developer at indiegrouphttp://www.indiegroup.beChiro Mozaïek Moorslede
Mobile Web / PHP Developer, Zend Certified Engineer PHP 5, Magento Developer, Android Fan, iPhone Lover, Software Engineer , Amateur Photographer, Geek :)
Magento Developer, adventurer, gamer, triathlete
PHP Magento Developer at CARGO.
Software engineer. Magento-developer. Web geek. Alpinism (Rock Climbing, Skiing, Hiking...). Running. Interested in politics, science & more
Magento Development, Branding & Identity, Marketing, Business Development
UI, WordPress, Magento Development and Spiritual Reiki Healer
Freelance Web developer & Wannabe designer, Frontend Magento developer at @meanbee
Co-Founder @shopickcom ,Magento Developer , Entrepreneur .
PHP & Magento developers talks
Magestore is on the highway of Magento Development50+ Magento extensions are ready for your need
Magento Developer, Internet Marketer, Email List Manager, Conservative
Magento Developer, Provide excellent service for PSD to magento theme customization
#CTO | #eCommerce Consultant - #Magento | #Web #Developer | #Marketing Online | #LAMP #WordPress #Zend #Android #Linux
MageBuzz specializes in Magento development. We provide Magento module and template coding.
I'm a Magento developer from Roelofarendsveen, NL and co-founder of H&O (@ho_nl). Find my work at and
Professional Magento development and consulting.
Magento developer and Guitar Hero expert
Magento developer
Web Designer & Developer, specializing in open source CMS and social networking architecture: WordPress, BuddyPress, Drupal and Magento.
Free PHPStorm plugin for Magento developers
Magento developer, founder & CEO of @Creatuity, entrepreneur.
Facebook Developer,FBML,Ruby on Rails Developer, Magento Developer, PHP Developer, Ipad developer,#developer,#developers
ExpressionEngine/Magento Developer. Webprenuer.
Magento Developer at Interactiv4
#Ethiopia fan, #Magento developer, #Linux user
PHP / Magento developer, currently working at Digital Evolution Group. I tweet about Development, Linux, and Christianity.
Magento Developer . Contact me on linkedin.
HTML, CSS, Magento developer. Hobby: international politics
Magento Developer, Core Team
Joomla,Wordpress Magento Developer
Ecommerce ConsultingEcommerce ApplicationsMagento DevelopementWordpress DevelopementWebsite DesignSearch Engine OptimizationSocial Media Management
Russian magento blog - - for russian Magento developers.

Dangerous Social Networking and Social Media Tips: