Saturday, March 16, 2013

How To Double Your Sales and Users in 72 Hours by Direct Response Copy Writer


How many people do you have to drive to your shopping cart or registration page before one of them does what you want them to?

If you don't know that number, go straight to jail, do not collect $200.

BASICS: Track Metrics and Track the Metrics That Actually Predict Sales

For those of you who do treat your business like a business, you're probably using Google Analytics. Don't. Use a user tracker instead of a traffic tracker. There's a huge difference.

1. In a retail store, you can directly watch passers by pass by and see what they saw before 

A. they walked into your store

B. looked back in the direction they were going

2. In a retail store, you can see what isle or rack people gravitate toward before they

A. bring an item to your point of sale

B. return the item to your point of purchase and do 1B.

Using Google analytics to track your conversion rates is like just counting the number of "ding-dongs" from the infrared walk-in sensor-- and ONLY that. You might disagree and say that Google Analytics can do that. But it can't. The most important part of user flow tracking metrics is:

A. counting the number of people who purchased upon first visit.

B. counting how many visits it took before each visitor purchased.

This is the most important thing you need to track. If you're tracking everything BUT this, collect $200, but still, go to jail.

ADVANCED: How to Make Twice as Many 'First Visitors' Buy


Now that you're tracking data that actually matters, you've got to get more people to buy on their first visit. Most people will slip out of your drag net. So you've also got to get the people who didn't buy to come back and purchase with fewer and fewer 'come backs.'

There are only two factors in making this possible.

1. Visitor targeting.

The better you do you marketing, the sharper you'll be able to target people who are actually likely to buy from you. You don't need freeloaders. You don't need lookie-loos. You don't need fremium leeches. You need customers.

In a Harvard MBA course, the class was asked, "if you had  to sell Bibles," who would you sell it to? The responded with Buddhists, atheists, people in crisis, etc. The professor said, "I would sell to people who already had several bibles. They have a behavior pattern of buying bibles."

Online, you can do the same thing.

Isolate people who talk about and already buy the products and services you sell. We at sparkah have over a hundred thousand twitter and facebook addresses of people who said they purchase XYZs and ABCs. Do you?

2. Direct response copy writing.

You can train two different salesmen. One will outsell the other every day of the week. It's not just what they say, it's how they say it. Your website shopping cart or register page or download page IS your salesman. How well written is that page? How often do you change the copy and remeasure your conversion rate? 

If you haven't rewritten and measured conversion rates on your website for months, send it to us and we will see if we can double your buyers in 72 hours. Use ... In Europe, use (we've written for Forbes, Fast Company, ESPN, etc...)

You might also want to read about Google SEO for eCommerce Stores. Then, click to read about Google SEO secrets


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