Monday, March 4, 2013

ADVANCED: Steve Jobs & Psy, Engineering a Viral Marketing Campaign from the DNA Up

via full video: How To Launch a Viral Marketing Campaign


Do you know the difference between a bacteria and a virus?

If any of you readers knows the difference, I'd love your explanation in the comments below. In marketing, if you don't know the difference, your product will go nowhere. You can't build a product or company that acts like bacteria and expect it to "go viral."

It can't happen.

To make your product or company or idea go viral, you have to engineer it to be viral from the DNA up. Steve Jobs and Psy understood this. The iPhone and Gangnam Style's viral growth proves they did. 

This is the part that nobody sees. It's the part that happens long before everyone realises what just happened. The forming of the Virus DNA.


Before Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone, he launched a confidential "project purple." In it, he partnered with 412 of the worlds most influential objective C programmers. Each of these programmers had already build up a huge fan base of users eagerly waiting to see what their next program would be. When the iPhone was first released, it had a sparce iTunes App Store with just 500 apps. Each app was tailored to the needs of each of the "project purple" programmer's fans.

Steve vested 412 influential partners before building his product.

Before PSY uploaded "Gangnam Style" on Youtube, he quietly drafted the advice of the top dance choreographers in Korea, Japan, and USA. He asked each choreographer to help him design a scene in his Billboard #1 to-be video. As soon as he uploaded the video, each choreographer blasted out the link to "Gangnam Style" to their 50,000 facebook fans saying, "here's MY new video"

Psy vested dozens of influential partners before building his product.

Before Nyan Cat went viral on Youtube and on shirts, hats, stuffed animals, apps, games, and all sorts of merchandising, Chris Torres, also known as prguitarman, asked thousands of users on the most powerful design and artist's social network, for input. He didn't design by committee, he created by community. When the final version of Nyan Cat hit Youtube, he had thousands of users post the video on Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Reddit, and other artist SNS saying, "look what I made."

Chris vested thousands of influential partners before building his product.


To make your product, app, service, company or idea go viral, your virus must mutate to it's host. The more various it's host DNA, the more replication capable it becomes.

How many "idea shareholders" do you have? How many thousands of customers do you already have who gave you product design feedback for your previous version?

Should you start building your market base before you start building your product? For help, talk to us at

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