Monday, March 4, 2013

ADVANCED Guerrilla Marketing: How to Increase Blog Traffic and Youtube Views while Building Clientel


There are just so many ways I can go with this one. 

You want blog traffic and youtube video views because you want clients. It's a means to an end for you. But you don't have to complicate and elongate a short ride to the carnival. You can make the process of getting clients and building your traffic happen in one step.


Being there at the right place and the right time. 

But isn't that the secret to everything? Well, with youtube and your blog, how do you go about building the strategy to drive traffic? What's the right question to ask? 

"Who has an urgent vested interest in my blog content and youtube videos right now?" is the question we ask. The best answer to that question is, "he who needs something accomplished now."

If your video or blog post can

A. Demonstrate how your viewer can accomplish a task

B. Convince them that hiring you is the last missing link,

You've both created a viewer/reader and a new client lead.

Now the only question left is where do you find this person who needs what you do right now? Here: How to Increase Your Blog Traffic and Youtube Views While Getting More Clients with Craigslist.

1 comment:

  1. You can make the process of ghost followers instagram app getting clients and building your traffic happen in one step.


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