Saturday, March 9, 2013

How to Grow Your Google+ Followers or Circles with Guerrilla Marketing Automation


You've noticed three things.

1. The more you interact with people on Google+ or Pinterest or Twitter or any other social network for that matter, the more they follow, subscribe, or circle you.

2. There are guys with a million Google+ followers who aren't celebrities.

3. If you just work on growing your audience base, you don't have time to do your actual work.

So then, how do those other guys with massive followers do it? Do they have a big business with multiple employees that just collect followers and likers all day long?

You know that a large body of contacts in all the big social media sites is pivotal to driving sales. So how do they do it? Well, a lot of these guys actually do have a large staff. Others have a huge email mailing list that they successfully converted into social media followers. It took them years building that list. Sure, they could just buy a list but when nobody on that list remembers you, you'll have abysmal conversion rates.


No, don't throw your arms up. There is a short cut.

Remember item #1 above? The more you interact and give others +1s the more they thank you by subscribing or circling you. Sure, you don't have a staff of 5 people working 3 shifts a day. You don't need them. All you need is what Steve Jobs called "human user action scripting." Just before he left Apple, he called it "Apple Script."

Today, people call it marketing automation. It's pre programming your mouse and keyboard to do what you would do for you - on autopilot 24/7. How to grow your Google+ Followers is a simple matter of using marketing automation.

1 comment:

  1. If you just work on growing your get more instagram followers website audience base, you don't have time to do your actual work


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