Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Levar Burton and Jimmy Fallon Explain Twitter

to see how social media marketing has changed in the last 3 years and how your business can use SNS, see what social media agencies have to say.


  1. --
    I could not get this to work.
    I could not find an explanation.
    IF anyone gets to work please email me
    I am trying to understand DM's and @ relplies.
    I am looking for a few good write-up about the basic Twitter DM & replies restrictions.

    Thank You

    Pat O'Mahony

  2. Pat, I wrote you a blitter. ""journik @pomahony2 #Twitter Fundamentals: 1. # makes a word a linkable tag. 2. EVERYBODY who follow you gets every twit so use DM. 3. @ = facebook less than 5 seconds ago from web in reply to pomahony2


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